Don’t miss an issue of OTH!





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  • Get to Know the New and Improved OTH!

Issue 1 (April 2020)

  •  Reflections on the writing & art of Ceija Stojka during COVID-19, thoughts on teaching online, and more.

Issue 2 (May 2020)

  • OTH Summer Edition

Issue 3 (July 2020)

  • Back to School with OTH

Issue 4 (August 2020)

  • Powerful reflections on identity related to the virtual classroom in the black experience in America

Issue 5 (September 2020)

  • OTH Halloween Edition

Issue 6 (October 2020)

  • The public needs saving, not the humanities, + more

Issue 7 (November 2020)

  • What if this Crisis Hits 25 Years Ag?, + more

Issue 8 (December 2020)

  • OTH Year in Review

Special Issue (December 2020)

  • Poetry of Government Information, Letter from the Editor Looking Ahead to 2021, + more

Issue 9 (January 2021)

  • Features on Race and Social Justice, Industry News, & More

Issue 10 (February 2021)

  • Feminist Perspective of the Humanities, Gander as a Mnemonic Device, and more.

Issue 11 (March 2021)

  • Focusing on environmental studies, history, and more

Issue 12 (April 2021)

  • Advocating for Empathy, Understanding Fair Use, and industry news for you in the latest OTH

Issue 13 (May 2021)

  • Conversation with E.M Forster, University of Michigan Press: Transition to Open Access, and more.

Issue 14 (June/July 2021)

  • Summer Arts Issue

Special Issue

  •  The Dance, Original Short Fiction; New CAA & ACLS Programs; and more!

Issue 15, October 2021

  • Happy Holidays from Oh, the Humanities!

Issue 16, December 2021

  • Medical Humanities and the History of Medicine 

Issue 17, January 2022

  •  Black History Month, Russia & Ukraine, + more

Issue 18, February 2022

  •  Women’s History Month Review: Microaggressions, African Women in Music Spotlight, + More

Issue 19, March 2022

  • Stories, recommended listening, and more for OTH’s Environmental Studies & Ecology spotlight

Issue 20, April 2022

  • Urban Humanities, Stories on Housing in California & NY, + More

Issue 21, June 2022

  • OTH Arts Issue 2022

Issue 22, August/September2022

  • Open Access spotlight for Ukraine, The British Royal Family, + More

Issue 23, October 2022