Submit an Essay to OTH Today!

OTH publishes essays, reflections, or short (1,000-1,500 words) articles from librarians, faculty, and publishers in the humanities.
These can vary from voicing your opinion on the current environment for professionals working in the humanities, promoting projects you are working on, personal essays incorporating your expertise in a humanities discipline or related area, responses to previous OTH pieces, or opinion pieces!


Submit an Essay via Google Forms  or email


OTH Editorial Calendar 

Subject to Change



Lessons learned from one semester in the COVID world

Inauguration Day

Presidential Politics and History


Black History Month

Resources for Black History Month, framing the history of black history month and arguing for/against, reflections on black scholarship in the humanities

Black Art and Representation in Media


Women’s History Month 

Women and Gender Studies

Feminist Perspectives on the Humanities and Higher Education


Environmental History

The Environment and Social Justice

The Humanities and Understanding the Natural World

Summer Arts Issue

OTH will be publishing an Arts issue in late Summer 2021. We are looking for pieces speaking specifically to the intersectionality of arts and subject areas you are an expert in, new public arts programs which incorporate humanistic values, and how the arts inform public discourse and consciousness.