
While researching cityLAB for the OTH Urban Humanities Issue, there were so many projects, people, and concepts that caught my eye that I feel I could discuss with the director, Dana Cuff, for longer than thirty minutes. We kept it pretty high level, as she offered perspective on cityLAB’s evolution in the past ten years and the parallels in their work and the field with the public view of the urban humanities. Thank you to Dr. Cuff for taking time to chat and connect over shared interests and cityLAB’s exciting work.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 


Introduce yourself and cityLAB.


Okay. So my name is Dana Cuff. I have a PhD in architecture, which is a humanities degree, because it’s primarily about architectural history, though the way I did my degree was also an anthropological kind of focus, and I have been teaching for 25 years at University of California, Los Angeles. And 16 years ago, I started cityLAB there, which was really a kind of design research center intended to bring architects, actually, to critical issues. Katrina had happened not long before that, speaking of New Orleans —


–very familiar.*

*Chris is from South Louisiana and brought this up before the interview started.


And we had no way of responding, so it seemed like we needed new formats. So cityLAB emerged out of that. We really took a proactive stance towards critical issues, not Katrina, but issues around Los Angeles, Southern California, and beyond. And then in 2012, I, along with my colleagues, got a big grant, a very generous grant from the Mellon Foundation to launch the Urban Humanities, which was really this experiment in integrative humanities between myself, a professor in planning, Anastasia Lukaitu-Saderas, and two humanities professors, Todd Presner, who works in digital humanities and is also a Germanic scholar and happen to pick up an extra PhD in art history while he was at it, literally just got two. And Maite Zubiaurre, who is a professor of Spanish and Portuguese languages and a translator and writes a really wide array of studies…she’s now working on films about border deaths in the Southwest. So it’s a really great, amazing group of core faculty, and it’s led by, most importantly, the day-to-day operations and management of it is now led by Dr. Gustavo Leclerc, who has his PhD in architecture from UCLA. He was one of my former students, but he’s a senior scholar in Latinx urbanism, so he’s been a terrific addition to the team.


So since 2012 and the grant from the Mellon Foundation, there’s definitely been a lot of different movement—scholarship, public understanding, etc., around the urban humanities, defining what that is both in practice and in the classroom. So, ten years later…how has that definition changed for you. 

Well, it’s interesting. I think the definition we gave it at the start still holds for me. It’s just way more meaningful and robust than it used to be. So we defined it, and probably the book we wrote together* would be a better source than my memory, but we define it as the integrative study among architecture, planning and the humanities into the past histories of cities, the contemporary interpretation of everyday life in cities. And this is really what distinguishes what I think is most important about urban humanities—projections about possible futures based on those first two analyses. And to me, it’s that idea of opening possible futures based on historic and contemporary analyses that distinguishes urban humanities from other humanities, where that kind of projective or generative role is less clearly a component. And essentially that turns it into an ethical practice, which is also something that the university has really only explicitly dealt with in philosophy in the past. And at the same time, I would say there’s a tacit ethical dimension in every department in the university. So we try to flesh that out and really think through what that might mean for urban activism from a scholarly engagement perspective.

*Urban Humanities New Practices for Reimagining the City (MIT Press 2020)


That’s a really good segue—speaking about possible future—into what why “Education Workforce Housing in California: Developing the 21st Century Campus” caught my attention on cityLAB’s recent publication list. Having previously worked in a freelance contract for a graduate program with the ultimate goal of improved primary school teacher retention rates, to see a more wholistic and dynamic approach to educators and the space in policy and in our cities we carve out was impressive.


Thinking about cityLAB and Urban Humanities, they’re kind of braided together, dovetailed. But cityLAB is kind of the design/research arm which we fund. We initiate projects and we fund from whatever we can call together, frankly. Humanities is our curricular piece, and it evolved later because we realized that we should be training a new generation of people who have those kind of convictions. Like you’re talking about—how could we make the world we want to live in and why can’t we bring our scholarship to that? So if scholarship, particularly in fields like anthropology but also in architecture and in planning—have been an extractive practice, meaning we go in, we learn about you, and then we go back and we do whatever we want with that knowledge. We wanted to make it an engaged practice where it was clear we were partners in that knowledge production.

So education, workforce housing, came out of cityLAB, but it’s really completely colored by everything that has happened in urban humanities. We basically realized there was land that–a lot of land in California, at least. It’s an interesting history. Again, looking at the history made us understand why this was available and what would be some of the boundaries for it.

When they were laying out the township and section system of Jeffersonian Land Management, two sections were given over to public schools in every township. Crazy. So they had all this land and in the early years of this, so that’s in the late 18th century, in the early years, they sold off portions to fund different things and basically they gave away the family jewels in a way.

And it wasn’t always clear that it had a long-lasting impact on education. Still, there’s a lot of land left, but we now have to be more cautious that whatever we’re taking it for is going to benefit the future of the students who are getting educated there or the teachers.


Well, and that’s something I imagine in teaching over the past 16-18 years, that hopefully the students that you’re encountering today are a little more acutely aware of. There’s less of that land, for example (chuckling). And so the decisions that we make going forward with it now have to be a little more thoughtful. And they do have to be engaged from a pedagogical level about these issues at an early level and how they can implement them after school.

We have a broad humanities audience for this newsletter. A lot of these conversations are often just about the tangible value of the work that people in humanities spaces produce. And it seems like you guys, by pairing those to both the design and lab aspect of it with the pedagogical, answer some of those concerns.


Absolutely. Think about the historical evolution of school land, just taking the same example, and then spending two full years trying to figure out what actually happens if someone—it was legal to build on school land before our current legislative bill, but nobody could get it done. And once you started studying that, that’s the sort of contemporary analysisyou understand that the people who know most about this—say administrators, communities who were blocking it, teachers who didn’t want to live in what was nearby, blah, blah, all these people who were stakeholders could teach us what it would mean to open that possibility for future generations of teachers and Californians. So this is the second time in my career I’ve successfully converted research into policy. And we’re nearly at the end of California state policy enabling and entitling the ability to build housing, affordable housing, 50% affordable on school property.

Yeah, it’d be amazing. Our calculation is if it was maxed out–we did a GIS analysis of all the school property in the entire state with our partners from UC Berkeley, and there’s 150,000 acres of school and, and half of that is potentially developable, meaning it isn’t having current uses on it. It is available to people for housing, blah, blah, blah. You could build 2.3 million units of housing at three stories or less, which is what the bill would allow. So it would solve California’s housing problem–like that. That’s not going to happen. But if 10% of that were built, it would be a huge difference.


Well, and I think that’s somethingit must be hard. I’m not an architect, but being around architects all the time, balancing the aspirational with the practical, but also with the policy making, knowing you could fix all of it like that pretty quick. But even 10% at least is a step in the right direction, right?


Yeah. And, you know, what we think of is that we basically make architecture possible in new situations. That cityLAB’s job is never to do the architecture, but to make it possible for architects to do new kinds of work. So that’s what this policy would do. And your firm would be the kind of firm that might be interested in this, because there should be a lot more districts and nonprofit builders trying to do that.

Urban humanities does not get to that policy level. That’s really a kind of much more in the weeds, deep dive research project. But the people that we hire at cityLAB are always urban humanities graduates because they’re the ones who understand the full spectrum of concerns and issues. And our most successful graduates from urban humanities really are–well, one form of successful graduate are the 50 or so PhDs who went through the program, who got jobs based on, in part, their urban humanities graduate certificates and experiences, which really distinguishes them from other candidates, from art history or literature or education.


Well, I think that analytical and engagement pairing serves really well as far as being able to apply—whether they stay in something related to the urban humanities or test waters outside. I think that’s something unique in urban humanities field, which is an ever-evolving discipline.


But an engagement is key, so you’re raising that again is really fundamental. There’s a part of me that wonders if the students interested in engagement aren’t the ones who come to us automatically. And so they’re just much more dynamic in terms of their thinking about the potential social justice impacts of their scholarship. But urban humanities, the program that we run, puts a very fine point on that and gives them direct experience about how to think through social and spatial justice in terms of humanities kind of contexts. 


That interplay in the urban humanities with the work and research that you guys do between the spatial justice and environmental justice, and then at the end, the policy making, there must be an activism part somewhere in there too.


Really, I don’t separate activism out of it. I think scholars engaged in social justice questions have to be recognized. They are also activists and grapple with that. It’s interesting, you know–I just had this happen again in the spring with some of my students, You know, historians and other scholars are rightly uncomfortable in community engaged projects where they don’t affiliate in some way, a kind of membership there. So what we were investigating this spring was the anti-Chinese massacre in Los Angeles. 18 men were hung in 1871 in a race riot, basically. Not exactly part of Los Angeles’ well-known history. And there’s a real reckoning and reparations that has to happen, and history and solid historical scholarship is fundamental to the new sort of regimes or paradigms of reparation. So I had two classes going. The one that was in urban humanities was around black displacement along the California coastlines, southern California. Two of us, three of us, actually, worked on that with students and trying to unearth the historical records–


Yeah, talk about hard research…


Yeah, very hard. I mean, it’s really a rigorous historical past, and it’s absolutely activism, and it matters. And trying to get students to—or, connecting with those students who want to do work that matters in some way, that has an impact, is what urban humanities is able to do. And it surely isn’t all the university students. Humanities is kind of a luxurious enterprise, in some ways. We read archives. We read books —


Can be a tad esoteric for some. 


Exactly. And I am all for that being supported by the university. I think it’s wonderful that there’s still room for someone to sit in the basement with a bunch of old Roman coins and go through them. It’s wonderful. It really is a luxury. But that’s not everybody’s cup of tea. And we haven’t really allowed for other alternatives in the humanities as legitimate scholarship. And I think that’s one of the struggles that urban humanities–and I put urban humanities and public humanities together, though our focus on cities and space is more explicit. But there’s also other kinds of integrative humanities, like medical humanities–I think that those are all providing new ways for humanists to connect with impactful ideas about their research.


Definitely. I think what stands out to me is that comparison of the scholar in the basement going through the coins compared to kind of what some of the urban humanities has to offer. I cringe at it a little bit at first because I was an English major, I was a specifically an English literature and political science major. But then you come to realize that, at least for me, the stuff that I learned coming up in those schools was stuff that informs how I see my environment. And what the urban humanities are working towards is always kind of environmental. So it’s always a little bit bigger than the person poring through the old book or the old coin collection. And that’s what it feels to me, and that’s why it’s interesting to me. And that’s what makes it harder for, I think, me and a lot of people to sometimes grasp where does it start, where does it end? And that’s not always the right question to ask. I think it’s, you know, the activities that get you there.


It’s interesting you say that, where it starts and where it ends. The way that resonates with me and my experience in teaching graduate students. We’ve had now, ten years, 250 students moved through our urban humanities program. And the vast majority of them, I think 210 of those, have gotten their graduate certificate in urban humanities. Big numbers now. And over the years, I’ve seen various kinds of intellectual or ethical stumbles that we make or our students make, but together we discover them. And one of them is that you can’t do trans-disciplinary work, work that spans disciplines as well, before you know what your own discipline’s boundaries are, So, people say,

“Oh, if you mix disciplines, you get a camel instead of a horse or something like that.”

I mean, I don’t really believe that. I think that’s a ridiculous adage. But what has seemed true to me is that when you come to graduate school, especially, and you’re getting a PhD in some field, everyone comes with a kind of imposter syndrome, like how’d I get in–or all the decent people do. And as they go through that, one way of answering that question is–what is my discipline and how do I fit within it?

So they’re searching for the boundaries–so we can’t immediately go in and poke holes in that to say, Oh, look, here’s where we can leak out. This is where we can make a connection. Here’s where art history and planning might intersect in public arts or social practice arts. They’re just too busy trying to make sure they know where art history lives. And I really think that’s an important step in an individual’s understanding of their capacities to respect. So at the beginning, I was always talking about trans-disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity and realized that really the first step is to discuss and acknowledge disciplinarity and the value that has.

So then you find what you’re able to—what porous parts of the boundary might make sense for you and your work.


Yes. Now that totally makes sense. You should know your own space first before you venture off too far I guess (chuckles).


Yeah. And that is something you learn all your life, but especially when you’re starting as an academic or an advanced graduate student–that’s a plague, almost seems to be a plague in an important rite of passage.


Any last projects, news, or upcoming cityLAB happenings you want to plug?


Sure. I’ll plug this. There are many things about cityLAB I’d like to plug, but one of the things we’ve done, particularly because of our work in urban humanities at City Lab, is to launch a second satellite cityLAB in the city, not on campus. So we call it cityLAB Westlake or CoLAB. I’m sitting in City Lab Westlake. Now, we formed deep partnerships with three or four community organizations here so that instead of each year engaging with, say, the history of Black Santa Monica and its advocates, we have here really long-term partners who are working, say with Latinx immigration issues, especially in the neighborhood we are.


Yeah. They’re integrated outside of your scope. They’re already existing there.


Yeah, that’s right. And really, they’re the experts here, and we’re their guests, and if we do well, become their partners. So that’s this new model of engaged scholarship that’s really taking partnerships and collaboration much more seriously and kind of living where we work. People here are super generous and don’t mind us always lurking around, but we then develop projects with them. We develop research proposals. We have one right now called Reflections, which is telling immigrant histories and the histories of this neighborhood, which is almost entirely Latinx but has waves of different national immigrant histories at the local public library. So we’re working with the library, with Ola which is a Heart of Los Angeles youth education group and our kind of historical background. And together we’re going to make this public project where this urban humanities gets integrated into the neighborhood through the public library.


Nice. That’s really cool.


Yeah, the public library is being central to taking a kind of neutral and politically ethical stand in neighborhoods in general.


by Megan Smith

Covid-19 perpetuated a worldwide pause in which problems of the city unit such as spatial justice, urban planning and living, food production, and city architecture became more salient and were critically analyzed. The realities of climate change also became clear as the cessation of global travel and social-economic activities improved air quality and decreased water pollution (Rume & Islam, 2020). As the world begins to reopen, humans have the opportunity to use the insight gained from the societal closures to reimagine new cityscapes and develop environmentally-conscious living practices. OTH has gathered relevant recent episodes of podcasts discussing topics in the Urban humanities, a field that has been addressing these problems since long before the pandemic and offers innovative ideas, practices, and solutions to living sustainably and rebuilding more equitable cities.

Rume, T., & Islam, S. (2020). Environmental effects of COVID-19 pandemic and potential strategies of sustainability. Heliyon, 6(9), e04965.

Urban Homesteading- Heirloom Skills and Permaculture


Architecture and Design

“For Trey Trahan, founder of Trahan Architects, human connection, ecology, and unvarnished beauty encompass the core ethos of his work which primarily focuses on creating cultural architectural spaces. With roots in New Orleans, and their global perspective based in New York, they have risen to the rank of the number one design firm by Architect 50, an official publication of the American Institute of Architects. He leads his firm with the conviction of bringing humility and awareness into a mindful design process to create authentic spaces that elevate our lives and the human experience.” via reSITE


Spatial Justice

“We often think of our cities and towns as their own entities in control of what they do, and for a good part history they have been. On this episode, we’re going to look at how emerging tensions with states and the erosion of  Local Control has been playing out in our communities and impacting spatial issues including the environment, economic development, and social issues.” via Isn’t that Spatial


Public Water Access and Sustainability


Digital Society 



by Clare Doyle, OTH

“A city is a place where there is no need to wait for next week to get the answer to a question, to taste the food of any country, to find new voices to listen to and familiar ones to listen to again.” 

Margaret Mead, World Enough (1975)

This issue of OTH Bookshelf comprises over 120 academic open access titles in the areas of urban humanities, focusing on books that would be of most interest and value to HSS scholars and students. 

The OTH list includes the book’s author or editor names, title and title remainder, year of publication, publisher, and open access format (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, etc.) Subject headings in the list are taken from WorldCat records, if available: if not, original cataloging of subject headings is provided in WorldCat format, for consistency. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the book is given if it is available on the publisher’s website; if not, the URL is provided. The ISBNs listed are for the online version of the book if available, and if more than one online ISBN is available the ISBN for the PDF version has been preferred; if there is not an online or e-book ISBN, the ISBN featured on the publisher’s website is included. The book’s license type (Creative Commons, etc.) is included if this has been provided by the publisher.

The OTH Bookshelf: Urban Humanities lists titles from some 30 publishers: if our readers are aware of any title or publishers that are not included, please feel free to submit them for consideration. To be included in OTH Bookshelf, a book must be available to read online and/or download for free and must have been assigned an ISBN.

Download Spreadsheet Version (.xslx)

TitleAuthor 1 LastAuthor 1 FirstEditor 1Author 2 LastAuthor 2 FirstEditor 2Author 3 LastAuthor 3 FirstEditor 3YearPublisherFormatISBNSubject 1Subject 2Subject 3DOI or URLLicense
Cincinnati: Queen City of the West, 1819–1838AaronDaniel1992Ohio State University PressPDF9780814205709Cincinnati (Ohio) -- History be used for any non-commercial purpose
The Black Musician and the White City: Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967AbsherAmy2016University of Michigan PressEPUB, PDF978-0-472-90096-1African Americans -- Illinois -- Chicago -- Music -- History and criticismMusic and race -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History -- 20th centuryAfrican American musicians -- Illinois -- Chicago Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Musical Cities: Listening to Urban Design and Planning AdhityaSara2018UCL PressPDF, HTML9781911576518Environmentally-friendly architecture & designUrban & municipal planningMusic and technology10.14324/111.9781911576518Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
St. Petersburg and the Florida Dream, 1888–1950ArsenaultRaymond2018University Press of FloridaPDF9781947372474Saint Petersburg (Fla.) -- History Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Re-Centring the City: Global Mutations of Socialist ModernityBachJonathaneditor MurawskiMichaleditor2020UCL PressPDF9781787354111 City planning Architecture, Modern Cities and towns -- Eurasia Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Domesticating the Street: The Reform of Public Space in Hartford, 1850-1930BaldwinPeter C.1999Ohio State University PressPDF9780814208243Public spaces -- Connecticut -- Hartford -- HistoryCity planning -- Connecticut -- Hartford -- History be used for any non-commercial purpose
Beyond the Bauhaus: Cultural Modernity in Breslau, 1918-33BarnstoneDeborah Ascher2016University of Michigan PressEPUB, PDF978-0-472-90059-6Modernism (Aesthetics) -- Poland -- Wrocław -- History -- 20th centuryCity and town life -- Poland -- Wrocław -- History -- 20th centuryBauhaus Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Automobile and Urban Transit: The Formation of Public Policy in Chicago, 1900-1930BarrettPaul2016ACLS Humanities E-BookEPUB, MOBI978-1-62820-132-1 Transportation and state -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History -- 20th centuryAutomobiles -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History -- 20th centuryAutomobiles -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History -- 20th century Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License
Cities in South AsiaBatesCrispineditor MiaMinoru editor2015Taylor and FrancisPDF9781315735825Urbanization -- South AsiaCities and towns -- South Asia -- GrowthSociology, Urban -- South Asia10.4324/9781315735825Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Bucking Conservatism: Alternative Stories of Alberta from the 1960s and 1970sBearLeon Craneeditor HannantLarryeditorPattonKarissa Robyn editor2021Athabasca University PressEPUB, PDF9781771992589Alberta -- Politics and government -- 1935-1971Conservatism -- Alberta -- History -- 20th centuryEdmonton -- Canada -- History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License
Joyce in the Hibernian Metropolis: EssaysBejaMorriseditor NorrisDavideditor1996Ohio State University PressPDF9780814206850Joyce, James, -- 1882-1941 -- Criticism and interpretation Dublin (Ireland) -- In literature be used for any non-commercial purpose
Imagining the Future City: London 2062BellSaraheditorPaskinsJameseditor2013Ubiquity PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-1-909188-20-4London (England) -- ForecastingSustainable development -- England -- LondonCity planning -- England -- London Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 3.0 Licence
The Margins of Late Medieval London, 1430-1540BerryCharlotte2022University of London PressPDF978-1-914477-03-4London (England) -- History -- To 1500City and town life -- England -- London 10.14296/202202.9781914477034 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Reform and Revolt in the City of Dreaming Spires: Radical, Socialist and Communist Politics in the City of Oxford 1830–1980BowieDuncan2018University of Westminster PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-1-912656-13-4Chartism -- England -- Oxford -- HistorySocialism -- England -- Oxford -- HistoryOxford (England) -- Politics and government Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Urban Resilience in a Global Context: Actors, Narratives, and TemporalitiesBrantzDorotheeeditorSharmaAvieditor2020transcript verlagPDF9783840000000City planning -- Social aspectsSustainable urban developmentUrban ecology (Sociology) Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Collections of Paintings in Madrid, 1601-1755BurkeMarcus B.CherryPeterGilbert Mariaeditor1997J. Paul Getty TrustPDF9780892364961Painting — Private collections — Spain — Madrid Painting, Modern — 17th-18th centuries — Europe — CatalogsArt collecters and collecting -- Spain -- Madrid Publications Virtual Library Terms of Use
Adelaide: A Literary CityButterrssPhilip editor 2013University of Adelaide PressPDF978-1-922064-64-6 Australian literature -- Australia -- South Australia -- History and criticismAdelaide (S.A.) -- In literature
Cities in Asia by and for the PeopleCabannesYveseditor DouglassMikeeditorPadawangiRitaeditor2018Amsterdam University PressEPUB, PDF9789048536252Cities and towns -- Social aspects -- AsiaSociology, Urban Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
After the Siege : A Social History of Boston, 1775-1800Carr Jacqueline Barbara2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538743Boston (Mass.) -- History -- 18th centuryBoston (Mass.) -- Social conditions -- 18th centuryUnited States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Influence Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Prints Abound: Paris in the 1890s: From the Collections of Virginia and Ira Jackson and the National Gallery of ArtCatePhillip DennisMurrayGale B.ThomsonRichard2000National Gallery of Art, WashingtonPDF9780894682773Prints, French -- France -- Paris -- 19th century Artists -- France -- ParisParis (France) -- Civilization rights reserved
The Blitz Companion: Aerial Warfare, Civilians and the City since 1911ClapsonMark2019University of Westminster PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-1-911534-49-5Urban warfare -- History -- 20th centuryBombing, Aerial -- History -- 20th centuryCivilians in war -- History -- 20th century Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Sensational Internationalism: The Paris Commune and the Remapping of American Memory in the Long Nineteenth CenturyCoghlanJ. Michelle2016Edinburgh University PressPDF9781474411219Paris (France) -- History -- Commune, 1871 Paris (France) -- Foreign public opinion, AmericanInfluence (Literary, artistic, etc.) of Use
Suburb in the City: Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 1850-1990ContostaDavid R.1992Ohio State University PressPDF 978-0-8142-0581-5 Chestnut Hill (Philadelphia, Pa.) -- HistoryCity and town life -- United States be used for any non-commercial purpose
The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America CranzGalen1989MIT PressPDF9780262367868Parks -- United States -- HistoryCity planning -- United StatesParks -- Design and construction -- Political aspects -- United States Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Jacksonville After the Fire, 1901-1919: A New South CityCrooksJames B.2017University Press of FloridaPDF9781947372436Jacksonville (Fla.) -- HistoryJacksonville (Fla.) -- Economic conditions Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives Licence
Kyiv, Ukraine: The City of Domes and Demons from the Collapse of Socialism to the Mass Uprising of 2013-2014CybriwskyRoman Adrian2016Amsterdam University PressPDF9789048531738Kyïv (Ukraine) -- History -- 20th centuryKyïv (Ukraine) -- History -- 21st centurySociology, Urban Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Nursing with a Message: Public Health Demonstration Projects in New York CityD'AntonioPatricia2017Rutgers University PressPDF9780813571041Community health nursing -- New York (State) -- New YorkPublic health nursing -- New York (State) -- New YorkNew York (N.Y.) -- Social conditions10.26530/oapen_625283Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City DalachanisAngeloseditor LemireVictoreditor2018BrillPDF978-90-04-37574-1 Urban anthropology -- JerusalemJerusalem -- HistoryMunicipal government -- Jerusalem Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
London and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Derek KeeneDaviesMatteweditor GallowayJames A.editor2017University of London PressPDF978-1-909646-44-5Cities and towns -- Europe-- HistoryLondon (England) -- History10.14296/117.9771909646445 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900–1941DeverellWilliamSittonTom2016University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96597-3Water-supply -- California -- Los Angeles -- History -- 20th centuryRivers -- California -- Los Angeles -- History -- 20th centuryLos Angeles (Calif.) -- History -- 20th century Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the CityDibazarPedrameditor NaeffJuditheditor2020Amsterdam University PressEPUB, PDF9789048535019Cities and towns -- Effect of technological innovations onStreet lifeDigital images Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Arrival Cities: Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies in the 20th CenturyDogramaciBurcueditor 2020Leuven University PressPDF9789462702264Expatriate artists -- History -- 20th centuryArt and citiesArts and society10.11116/9789461663245Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Calgary: City of Animals EllisJimeditor 2017University of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-969-0 Human-animal relationships -- Alberta -- CalgaryAnimals -- Social aspects -- Alberta -- Calgary Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Grounding Urban Natures: Histories and Futures of Urban EcologiesErnstsoHenrikeditor SorlinSverkereditor2019MIT PressPDF9780260000000Urban ecology (Sociology) -- Case studiesUrbanization -- Environmental aspects -- Case studiesSociology, Urban -- Philosophy
The History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida FairbanksGeorge R.2017University Press of FloridaPDF9781947372092Saint Augustine (Fla.) -- HistoryFlorida -- History -- To 1821 Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Expansive Discourses: Urban Sprawl in Calgary, 1945–1978ForanMax2009Athabasca University PressPDF9781897425145City planning – Alberta – Calgary – HistoryCalgary (Alberta) – Politics and governmentCities and towns – Alberta – Calgary – Growth – History Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada
Icon, Brand, Myth: the Calgary StampedeForanMaxeditor 2008Athabasca University PressPDF9781897425121Calgary Stampede–HistoryCalgary (Alberta) – History Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada
Florentine New Towns: Urban Design in the Late Middle AgesFriedmanDavid1988MIT PressEPUB 9780262061131City planning -- Italy -- Florence RegionCities and towns, Medieval -- Italy -- Florence RegionCities and towns, Medieval Terms of Service
Vasari’s Florence: Artists and Literati at the Medicean CourtGahtaMaia W. JacksPhilip J.1994Yale University Art GalleryPDF9780521580885Art, Renaissance -- Italy -- FlorenceArtists -- Italy -- FlorenceFlorence (Italy) -- Civilization rights reserved
Finding Jerusalem: Archaeology between Science and IdeologyGalorKatharina2017University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96807-3Archaeology -- Political aspects -- Israel--JerusalemJerusalem -- Antiquities Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America GeraghtyNiall H.D.editor MassiddaAdriana Lauraeditor2019University of London PressPDF978-1-908857-69-9Sociology, Urban -- Latin AmericaCities and towns -- Latin America10.14296/519.9781908857699 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and QueersGiesekingJen Jack2020NYU PressEPUB9781479891672Gays -- New York (State) -- New York Lesbians -- New York (State) -- New York Gender-nonconforming people -- New York (State) -- New York Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Beyond the Melting Pot: the Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York CityGlazerNathanMoynihanDaniel P.1970MIT PressEPUB 9780262070393Immigrants -- New York (State) -- New YorkMinorities -- New York (State) -- New YorkNew York (N.Y.) -- Emigration and immigration Terms of Service
The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban FutureGreenBen2019MIT PressPDF9780262352246Cities and towns -- Effect of technological innovations onTechnological innovations -- Social aspectsTechnology and civilization Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Brand-building: the Creative City, a Critical Look at Current Concepts and PracticesHaddockSerena Vicari2010Firenze University PressPDF978-88-8453-540-5Sociology, Urban -- EuropeCreativityBranding10.36253/978-88-8453-540-5Creative Commons Attribution- 4.0 International License
How Boston Played: Sport, Recreation, and Community, 1865-1915HardyStephen2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538750Sports -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- HistoryBoston (Mass.) -- Social conditions Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Before the Museums Came: a Social History of The Fine Arts in the Twin CitiesHarrisLeo J.2013De Gruyter Open PolandPDF978-83-7656-005-2Art -- Minnesota -- Minneapolis Metropolitan Area -- HistoryArt -- Minnesota -- Saint Paul Metropolitan Area -- History Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 3.0 Licence
Cities of Entanglements: Social Life in Johannesburg and Maputo Through Ethnographic ComparisonHeerBarbara2019Bielefeld University PressPDF978-3-8394-4797-0Johannesburg (South Africa) -- Social conditionsMaputo (Mozambique) -- Social conditions Commons Attribution- 4.0 License
The Unreal Estate Guide to DetroitHerscherAndrew2012University of Michigan PressEPUB, PDF978-0-472-02917-4Urban renewal -- Michigan -- Detroit -- Citizen participationCommunity development -- Michigan -- Detroit Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Iridescent Kuwait: Petro-Modernity and Urban Visual Culture
since the Mid-Twentieth Century
HindelangLaura2022De GruyterPDF978 3 11 071473 9Art and society -- Kuwait -- History -- 20th centuryKuwait -- Intellectual life -- 20th century Commons License
Entangled Entertainers: Jews and Popular Culture in Fin-de-Siècle ViennaHodlKlaus2019Berghahn BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-78920-031-7Jews -- Austria -- Vienna -- History -- 19th centuryVienna (Austria) -- Social conditions -- 19th centuryJews -- Cultural assimilation -- Austria -- Vienna Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License
Portraiture and the Harlem Renaissance: The Photographs of James L. AllenHollowayCamara Dia1999Yale University Art GalleryPDF9780894670824Allen, James Latimer --1907-1977Portrait photographyHarlem Renaissance
Being Young, Male and Muslim in LutonHoqueAshraf2019UCL PressPDF, HTML978–1-78735–134-9Muslim men -- England -- Luton -- Social conditions Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Ambivalent Encounters: Childhood, Tourism, and Social Change in Banaras, IndiaHubermanJenny2012Rutgers University PressPDF9780813554082Child labor -- India -- VārānasiTourism -- India -- Vārānasi10.26530/oapen_625232Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
The Magic Screen: A History of Regent Street CinemaHunningherJoost2015University of Westminster PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9780957612464Motion pictures -- England -- London -- HistoryRegent Street Cinema Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Urban Black Women and the Politics of ResistanceIsokeZenzele2013Palgrave MacmillanEPUB, PDF978-1-137-04538-6African American women -- Political activity -- New Jersey -- Newark -- History.African American women political activists -- New Jersey -- Newark -- History. rights reservedAll rights reserved
Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg, 1300–1550 KahsnitzRainereditor WixomWilliam D.editor1986Metropolitan Museum of ArtPDF9780870994661Art, German -- Germany -- NurembergArt, Gothic -- Germany -- Nuremberg Art, Renaissance -- Germany -- Nuremberg rights reserved
A History of the French in London: Liberty, Equality, OpportunityKellyDebraeditor CornickMartyneditor2017University of London PressPDF978-1-909646-48-3 London (England) -- Emigration and immigration -- HistoryLondon (England) -- French influencesLondon (England) -- Civilization10.14296/117.9771909646483 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Urban Interactions: Communication and Competition in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle AgesKellyMichael J.editor BurrowsMichaeleditor2020punctum booksPDF978-1-953035-05-9City and town life -- HistoryCities and towns, AncientCities and towns, Medieval10.21983/P3.0300.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
Venice and the Veneto during the Renaissance: the Legacy of Benjamin KohlKnaptonMichaeleditorLawJohn EastoneditorSmithAlison A.editor2014Firenze University PressPDF978-88-6655-663-3Venice (Italy) -- History -- 697-1508Renaissance -- Italy -- VeniceKohl, Benjamin G. -- 1938- 201010.36253/978-88-6655-663-3Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Beijing Garbage: A City Besieged by WasteLandsbergerStefan2019Amsterdam University PressEPUB, PDF9789048542871Refuse and refuse disposal -- China -- Beijing -- ManagementBeijing (China) -- Social conditions Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Small Forgotten Places in the Hearth of Cities: On the residuality of public spaces in historical contexts: Florence as a case studyLauriaAntonioVessellaLuigi2021Firenze University PressPDF978-88-5518-497-7Public spaces -- Italy -- FlorenceArchitecture, UrbanCity planning -- Italy -- Florence10.36253/978-88-5518-497-7Creative Commons BY 4.0
Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the EverydayLevesqueCarole2019punctum booksPDF978-1-947447-6-15Urban renewal -- Lebanon -- BeirutBeirut (Lebanon) -- Architecture10.21983/P3.0243.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
Beacon Hill : The Life & Times of a NeighborhoodLi-MarcusMoying2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538774Beacon Hill (Boston, Mass.) -- HistoryBeacon Hill (Boston, Mass.) -- Social conditions Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Florence Ducal Capital, 1530-1630LitchfieldR. Burt2008ACLS Humanities E-BookEPUB 978-1-59740-706-9Florence (Italy) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- History Florence (Italy) -- Civilization Florence (Italy) -- Court and courtiers -- History Terms of Service
Passages: Explorations of the Contemporary CityLiveseyGrahameditor 2004University of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-425-1City planning -- PhilosophyArchitecture -- 20th century -- PhilosophyUrbanism Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported
Behind the Scenes: The Politics of Planning AdelaideLlewellyn-SmithMichael2012University of Adelaide PressPDF978-1-922064-41-7 City planning -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.) -- HistoryAdelaide (S.A.) -- Politics and governmentAdelaide (S.A.) -- History
In the Suburbs of History: Modernist Visions of the Urban PeripheryLoganSteven2021University of Toronto PressPDF978-1-4875-3714-2City planning -- Ontario -- Toronto -- History -- 20th centuryCity planning -- Czech Republic -- Prague -- History -- 20th centurySuburbs – History -- 20th century Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
City Center to Regional Mall: Architecture, the Automobile, and Retailing in Los Angeles, 1920-1950LongstrethRichard W.1998MIT PressEPUB 9780262122009Central business districts -- California -- Los Angeles Metropolitan Area -- HistoryRetail trade -- California -- Los Angeles Metropolitan Area -- HistoryCity and town life -- California -- Los Angeles Metropolitan Area -- History Terms of Service
Urban Operating Systems: Producing the Computational CityLuque-AyalaAndresMarvinSimon2020MIT PressPDF9780262360982Urban & municipal planningHuman-computer interactionMachine learning Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Submerged on the Surface: The Not-So-Hidden Jews of Nazi Berlin, 1941–1945LutjensRichard N.2019Berghahn BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-78533-474-0Jews -- Germany -- Berlin -- History -- 20th centuryWorld War, 1939-1945 -- Jews -- Rescue -- Germany -- BerlinHolocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Germany -- Berlin Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Palestinian Chicago: Identity in ExileLybargerLoren D.2020University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-97440-1Palestinian Arabs -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History Palestinian Americans -- Social conditions Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + ShareAlike 4.0 License
Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the CityMamadouhVirginieeditor van WageningenAnneeditor2016Amsterdam University PressPDF9789048535811Sociology, Urban -- EuropeEurope -- Social conditions10.26530/OAPEN_623610Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
New Islamic Urbanism: The Architecture of Public and Private Space in Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaManevalStefan2019UCL PressPDF978-1-78735-642-9Islam--Saudi ArabiaIslamic architectureArchitecture -- Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Portals of Globalization: Repositioning Mumbai’s Ports and Zones, 1833–2014MaruschkeMegan2019De Gruyter OldenbourgEPUB, PDF9783110000000Economic zoning -- India -- Mumbai -- HistoryFree ports and zones -- India -- Mumbai -- HistoryIndia -- Foreign economic relations Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans: The Lure of the Local Film EconomyMayerVicki2017University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96717-5Motion picture industry -- Louisiana -- New Orleans Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Co-Curating the City: Universities and Urban Heritage Past and FutureMelhuishClareeditor 2022UCL PressPDF978-1-80008-182-6 Universities and colleges -- Sociological aspectsCity planningCultural property Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Film and the City: The Urban Imaginary in Canadian CinemaMelnykGeorge2014Athabasca University PressPDF978-1-927356-60-9 (Motion pictures—Canada—HistoryCity and town life in motion picturesCities and towns in motion pictures10.15215/aupress/9781927356593.01Creative Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada
Oceanic New YorkMentzSteve editor 2015punctum booksPDF 978-0-692-49691-6Waterfronts -- New York (State) -- New YorkWaterfronts in literatureNew York (N.Y.) -- In art10.21983/P3.0112.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
The Insecure CityMonroeKristin V.2016Rutgers University PressPDF9780813574653Public spaces -- Lebanon -- BeirutUrban anthropology -- Lebanon -- BeirutBeirut (Lebanon) -- Social conditions Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
The Immigrant World of Ybor City: Italians and Their Latin Neighbors in Tampa, 1885-1985MorminoGary RossPozzettaGeorge E.2017University Press of FloridaPDF 9781947372658Italian Americans -- Florida -- Tampa -- HistoryHispanic Americans -- Florida -- Tampa -- HistoryTampa (Fla.) -- Ethnic relations Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives Licence
And Sin No More: Social Policy and Unwed Mothers in Cleveland 1855–1990MortonMarian J.1993Ohio State University PressPDF9780814206027Unmarried mothers -- Services for -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- HistoryHospitals, Maternity -- - Ohio -- Cleveland -- HistoryIllegitimacy -- history be used for any non-commercial purpose
Heritage Politics in AdelaideMoslerSharon2011University of Adelaide PressPDF 978-0-9870730-3-7 Historic buildings -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.) -- Conservation and preservationHistoric buildings -- Law and legislation -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.)
Amsterdam Human CapitalMusterdSakoeditor SaletWilliam editor2003Amsterdam University PressPDF9789048505180Cities and towns -- Research -- Netherlands -- Amsterdam RegionCity planning -- Netherlands -- Amsterdam Region10.5117/9789053565957All rights reserved
Urban Re-industrializationNawratekKrzysztofeditor 2017punctum booksPDF978-1-947447-02-8Cities and towns -- Social aspectsCities and towns -- Political aspectsSociology, Urban10.21983/P3.0176.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
Why Girls Fight: Female Youth Violence in the Inner CityNessCindy D.2010NYU PressEPUB978–0–8147–5840–3Female juvenile delinquents -- United StatesTeenage girls -- PsychologyInner cities--United States10.33682/nyu/9780814759073.001.0001Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Hidden Cities: Urban Space, Geolocated Apps and Public History in Early Modern EuropeNevolaFabrizioeditor RosenthalDavideditorTerpstraNicholaseditor2022Taylor and FrancisPDF9781003172000Cities and towns -- Study and teaching -- EuropeDigital humanitiesPublic history Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives Licence
Freedom Seekers: Escaping from Slavery in Restoration LondonNewmanSimon P.2022University of London PressPDF 978-1-912702-94-7Fugitive slaves -- England -- London -- History -- 17th centurySlavery -- England -- London -- History -- 17th centuryLondon (England) -- Social conditions 10.14296/202202.9781912702947 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Rulers of Venice, 1332-1524: Governanti di Venezia, 1332-1524: Interpretations, Methods, DatabaseO'ConnellMonique2009ACLS Humanities E-BookEPUB 9781597402644Venice (Italy) -- Politics and government -- 697-1508Venice (Italy) -- Kings and rulers -- HistoryVenice (Italy) -- Elections -- History Terms of Service
Boston Catholics : A History of the Church and Its PeopleO'ConnorThomas2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538781Catholic Church. -- Archdiocese of Boston (Mass.) -- HistoryBoston (Mass.) -- Church history Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Hub: Boston Past and PresentO'ConnorThomas H.2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538798Boston (Mass.) -- History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Too Few Tomorrows: Urban Appalachians in the 1980'sObermillerPhillip J.editor PhilliberWilliam W.editor2017Appalachian Consortium PressPDF9781469637075Ethnology -- Appalachian Region, SouthernCity and town life -- United States Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License
Dynamics of Architecture in Late Baroque Rome: Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni at the CancelleriaOlszewskiEdward2015De Gruyter Open PolandEPUB, PDF978-3-11-045246-4Ottoboni, Pietro, -- 1667-1740 -- Art patronageArchitecture, Baroque -- Italy -- Rome Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 3.0 Licence
Radical Spaces: Venues of Popular Politics in London, 1790-c. 1845ParolinChristina2010Australian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF, HTML9781921862014Radicalism -- Great Britain -- 18th centuryLondon -- Social life and customs -- 18th century rights reserved
Social and Institutional Innovation in Self-Organising CitiesPerroneCamillaeditorGiallorenzoFlaviaeditorRossiMaddalenaeditor2022Firenze University PressPDF9788860000000City planning -- Social aspectsArchitecture, UrbanKnowledge Economy10.36253/978-88-5518-539-4Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0
The Electric City: Energy and the Growth of the Chicago Area, 1880-1930PlattHarold2016ACLS Humanities E-BookEPUB, MOBI978-1-62820-131-4 Electric utilities -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- HistoryElectrification -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- HistoryElectrification -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License
Network and Migration in Early Renaissance Florence, 1378-1433: Friends of Friends in the Kingdom of HungaryPrajdaKatalin2018Amsterdam University PressEPUB, PDF9789048540990Florence (Italy) -- HistoryItalians -- Hungary -- HistoryFlorence (Italy) -- Intellectual life Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Venice Variations: Tracing the Architectural Imagination PsarraSophia2018UCL PressPDF, HTML9781787352391City planning -- Italy -- VeniceLe Corbusier, -- 1887-1965 -- Criticism and interpretationCalvino, Italo. -- Città invisibili10.14324/111.9781787352391Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Building Green: Environmental Architects and the Struggle for Sustainability in MumbaiRademacherAnna2017University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96872-1Sustainable architecture -- India -- MumbaiUrban ecology (Sociology) -- India -- MumbaiArchitecture -- Environmental aspects -- India -- Mumbai Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Life in Transit: Jews in Postwar Lodz, 1945-1950RedlichShimon2017Academic Studies PressPDF9781620000000Jews -- Poland -- Łódź -- History -- 20th centuryHolocaust survivors -- Travel -- Israel -- Poland -- Personal narrativesRedlich, Shimon, -- 1935- Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Crossing the Water and Keeping the Faith: Haitian Religion in MiamiReyTerryStepickAlex2013NYU PressEPUB9781479802678Haitians -- Florida -- Miami -- ReligionCatholic Church -- Florida -- Miami10.33682/nyu/9781479802678.001.0001Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
A Decent Place to Live: from Columbia Point to Harbor Point: A Community HistoryRoessnerJane2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538835Urban renewal -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- History City planning -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- HistoryPublic housing -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Rebuilding Central Park: A Management and Restoration PlanRogersElizabeth RogersCramerMarianneeditor1987MIT PressPDF9780262367844Central Park (New York, N.Y.) City planning -- Environmental aspectsUrban ecology (Sociology) Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Seeing the City Digitally: Processing Urban Space and TimeRoseGillianeditor 2022Amsterdam University PressPDF9789048551927Public spacesCity and town life Digital images10.5117/9789463727037Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Harvard Jerusalem Studio: Urban Designs for the Holy City SafdieMoshe1987MIT PressPDF9780262367967City planning -- Research -- JerusalemArchitectural design -- JerusalemJerusalem -- Social conditions Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
Boston Confronts Jim Crow, 1890-1920SchneiderMark R.2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538842Boston (Mass.) -- Race relationsAfrican Americans -- Segregation -- Massachusetts -- Boston Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
The New York Approach: Robert Moses, Urban Liberals, and Redevelopment of the Inner CitySchwartzJoel1995Ohio State University PressPDF9780814205877Urban renewal -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 20th centuryMoses, Robert, -- 1888-1981Inner cities -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 20th century be used for any non-commercial purpose
German Operetta on Broadway and in the West End, 1900–1940ScottDerek B.2019Cambridge University PressPDF, HTML9781108614306Operetta – 20th centuryTheater -- New York (State) -- New York -- HistoryTheater -- London -- History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Rethinking Sustainable Cities: Accessible, Green and FairSimonDavideditor 2018Policy PressPDF978-1447332855Sustainable urban developmentCity planning -- Environmental aspects Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Berlin Coquette: Prostitution and the New German Woman, 1890–1933SmithJill Suzanne2014Cornell University PressEPUB, PDF9780801469701Prostitution -- Germany -- Berlin -- History -- 19th centuryProstitution -- Germany -- Berlin -- History -- 20th centuryGermany -- Berlin -- Social conditions Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Hopedale: From Commune to Company Town, 1840–1920SpannEdward K.1992Ohio State University PressPDF9780814205754Hopedale (Mass.) -- HistoryCollective settlements -- United StatesDraper Company -- History be used for any non-commercial purpose
Medieval Londoners: Essays to Mark the Eightieth Birthday of Caroline M. BarronSteerChristianeditor NewElizabeth A.editor2019University of London PressPDF9781912702152London (England) -- History -- To 1500Civilization, Medieval Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Wages of Relief: Cities and the Unemployed in Prairie Canada, 1929-39StrikwerdaEric2013Athabasca University PressPDF9781927356067Cities and towns—Economic aspects—Prairie Provinces—History—20th centuryUnemployed— Government policy—Prairie Provinces—History—20th century Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada
Boston Riots: Three Centuries of Social ViolenceTagerJack2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781555538859Riots -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- HistoryBoston (Mass.) -- Social conditions Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Book Arts of Isfahan: Diversity and Identity in Seventeenth-Century PersiaTaylorAlice1995The J. Paul Getty MuseumPDF9780892363629Illumination of books and manuscripts -- Iran -- Iṣfahān Iṣfahān (Iran) -- In art Publications Virtual Library Terms of Use
London's Urban Landscape: Another Way of Telling TilleyChristophereditor 2019UCL PressPDF, HTML9781787355583Architecture, Domestic -- England -- LondonPublic spaces -- England -- LondonSociology, Urban -- England -- London10.14324/111.9781787355583Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Flowering of Florence: Botanical Art for the MediciTomasiLucia Tongiorgi HirschauerGretcen A.2002National Gallery of Art, WashingtonPDF9780853318712Plants in artFlowers in artBotanical illustration -- Italy -- Florence
Designing Paris: The Architecture of Duban, Labrouste Duc, and Vaudoyer Van ZantenDavid1987MIT PressPDF9780262368025Neoclassicism (Architecture) -- France -- ParisGreek revival (Architecture) -- France -- ParisParis (France) -- Buildings, structures, etc Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825–1861 VoorsangerCatherine Hoovereditor HowatJohn K.editor2000Metropolitan Museum of ArtPDF9780300085181Art, American -- New York (State) -- New York -- 19th century New York (N.Y.) -- Civilization rights reserved
Small Cities, Big Issues: Reconceiving Community in a Neoliberal EraWalmsleyChristophereditor KadingTerryeditor2018Athabasca University PressEPUB, PDF978-1-77199-164-3 Sociology, Urban -- Canada -- Case studiesSmall cities -- Canada -- Case studiesCanada -- Social conditions -- Case studies10.15215/aupress/9781771991636.01Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Urban Memory and Visual Culture in Berlin: Framing the Asynchronous City, 1957-2012WardSimon 2012Amsterdam University PressPDF9789048527045Collective memory -- Germany -- BerlinBerlin (Germany) -- In motion picturesBerlin (Germany) -- In art10.5117/9789089648532Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
How Local Art Made Australia’s National CapitalWawrzyńczakAnni Doyle2020Australian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781760463410Art, Australian -- Australia -- Canberra (A.C.T.)Cultural property -- Australia -- Canberra (A.C.T.) Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Everyday Courage: The Lives and Stories of Urban TeenagersWayNiobe1998NYU PressEPUB9780814784891Adolescence -- United StatesTeenagers with social disabilities -- United States -- Case studiesUrban youth -- United States -- Case studies10.18574/nyu/9780814784891.001.0001Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918–39WildmanCharlotte2016Bloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4742-5738-1Urban renewal -- England -- Liverpool -- History -- 20th centuryUrban renewal -- England -- Manchester -- History -- 20th centuryCity and town life -- England -- History -- 20th century1.073866753E-12Creative Commons BY--NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License
Peachtree Street, Atlanta WillifordWilliam Bailey2010University of Georgia PressPDF9780820334776Peachtree Street (Atlanta, Ga.)Streets -- Georgia -- Atlanta Copyright
Animal History in the Modern City: Exploring LiminalityWischermannClemenseditor SteinbrecherAlineeditorHowellPhilipeditor2018Bloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-3500-5404-2Human-animal relationships -- HistoryUrban animals -- HistoryAnimals and civilization -- History1.073880389E-12Creative Commons BY--NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License
Dickens's London: Perception, Subjectivity and Phenomenal Urban MultiplicityWolfreysjulian2015Edinburgh University PressPDF9780748656035Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870--Homes and haunts--England--LondonLondon (England)--In literature of Use
American Cities in Post-Apocalyptic Science FictionYeatesRobert2021UCL PressPDF9781800080980Cities and towns in literatureApocalypse in literatureAmerican literature -- History and criticism Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Holy Hip Hop in the City of AngelsZanfagnaChristina2017University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96879-0Rap (Music) -- Religious aspects -- ChristianityRap (Music) -- California -- Los Angeles -- History and criticismEthnomusicology Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License
Verdi In Victorian LondonZicariMassimo2016Open Book PublishersPDF, HTML978-1-78374-215-8Verdi, Giuseppe, -- 1813-1901Music -- England -- London -- HistoryOpera -- Press coverage -- England -- London -- 19th century10.11647/OBP.0090Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

by Clare Doyle, OTH

This issue of OTH Bookshelf comprises over 120 academic open access titles in the areas of environmental and ecology studies, focusing on books that would be of most interest and value to HSS scholars and students. 

The OTH list includes the book’s author or editor names, title and title remainder, year of publication, publisher, and open access format (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, etc.) Subject headings in the list are taken from WorldCat records, if available: if not, original cataloging of subject headings is provided in WorldCat format, for consistency. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the book is given if it is available on the publisher’s website; if not, the URL is provided. The ISBNs listed are for the online version of the book if available, and if more than one online ISBN is available the ISBN for the PDF version has been preferred; if there is no online or e-book ISBN, the ISBN featured on the publisher’s website is included. The book’s license type (Creative Commons, etc.) is included if this has been provided by the publisher.

The OTH Bookshelf: Ecology and Environmental Studies lists titles from some 40 publishers: if our readers are aware of any title or publishers that are not included, please feel free to submit them for consideration. To be included in OTH Bookshelf, a book must be available to read online and/or download for free and must have been assigned an ISBN.

Download Spreadsheet Version (.xslx)

TitleYearAuthor 1 LastAuthor 1 FirstEditor 1Author 2 LastAuthor 2 FirstEditor 2Author 3 LastAuthor 3 FirstEditor 3PublisherFormatISBNEditionSubject 1Subject 2Subject 3DOI or URLLicense
Environmental Groups and Legal Expertise: Shaping the Brexit Process2021AbbotCarolynLeeMariaUCL PressPDF978-1-78735-858-4Environmental law -- Europe.Green movement -- Europe.European Union -- Great Britain. Commons 4.0 International licence
A People’s Green New Deal2021AjlMaxPluto PressEPUB9781790000000Environmental policy -- United StatesGreen New DealEnvironmentalism -- United States Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous People and Protected Spaces of Nature2021AnderssonRani-HenrikeditorCothranBoydeditorKekkiSaarieditorHelsinki University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-952-369-059-2Indigenous peoples.Nature conservation.Protected areas Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
The Power of the Periphery: How Norway Became an Environmental Pioneer for the World2020AnkerPederCambridge University PressPDF9781110000000Environmentalism -- Social aspects -- Norway.Environmentalism -- Political aspects -- Norway.Climatic changes. Core Terms of Use
Transnational Japan in the Global Environmental Movement2017AvenellSimonUniversity of Hawai'i PressPDF9780820000000Green movement—Japan—History.Environmentalism—Japan—HistoryEnvironmental protection—Japan—History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Meaningful Flesh: Reflections on Religion and Nature for a Queer Planet2018BaumanWhitney A.punctum booksPDF978-1-947447-32-5Human ecology -- Religious aspects.Queer theory10.21983/P3.0194.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International
Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City2016BielRobertUCL PressPDF9781910000000Food supplyUrban agricultureFood security Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Repurposing the Green Belt in the 21st Century2020BishopPeterUCL PressPDF9781790000000Greenbelts -- Great Britain. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History2017BockingStepheneditorMartinBradeditorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-856-3Canada, Northern -- Environmental conditions.Arctic regions -- Environmental conditions.Human ecology -- History. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International
Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis2021BohmSteffeneditorSullivanSianeditorOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML9781800000000Climate change mitigation.Globalization -- Environmental aspects.Sustainable development.10.11647/OBP.0265Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Environmental Alterities2021BonelliCristobaleditorWalfordAntoniaeditorMattering PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-1-912729-14-2Environmental sociology.Environmental ethics.Environmentalism -- Citizen participation Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Signs of Water: Community Perspectives on Water, Responsibility, and Hope2022BoschmanRoberteditorJakubecSonya L.editorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-77385-236-2Water conservationWater-supply -- Management.Water -- History Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Damming Grand Canyon: The 1923 USGS Colorado River Expedition2007BoyerDiane E.WellsRobert H.Utah State University PressPDF9780870000000Grand Canyon (Ariz.) -- Description and travel.Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) -- Description and travel.Water resources development -- Arizona -- Grand Canyon -- History -- 20th century. Commons By Attribution License
Climate Crisis and the 21st-Century British Novel2018BrackeAstridBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4742-7114-1Climatic changes in literature.Ecology in literature.English fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History2016BradleyBeneditorYoungJayeditorCoatesColin M.editorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-861-7Transportation -- Social aspects -- Canada -- History.Tourism -- Social aspects -- Canada -- History.Canada -- Environmental conditions -- History. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Global Warming in Local Discourses: How Communities around the World Make Sense of Climate Change2020BrüggemannMichaeleditorRodderSimoneeditorOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML9781800000000Global environmental change -- Case studiesSocial impact of environmental issues.10.11647/OBP.0212Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Contextualizing Disaster2016ButtonGregory V.editorSchullerMarkBerghahn BooksPDF978-1-78920-477-3Natural disasters -- Social aspects.Natural disasters -- Press coverage.Political ecology. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Contemporary Fiction and Climate Uncertainty: Narrating Unstable Futures2022CaraccioloMarcoBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-3502-3390-4Climatic changes in literature.Ecology in literature.Fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy2021CarrollWilliam K.editorAthabasca University PressEPUB, PDF9781770000000Energy policy -- Canada.Oil sands industry -- Environmental aspects -- Canada.Corporate power -- Canada. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
An Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology2019CastilloDaniel PatrickOrbis BooksPDF9781610000000EcotheologyLiberation theology. rights reserved
Civil Rights and the Environment in African-American Literature, 1895–19412017ClabornJohnBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-3500-0944-8Environmentalism in literature.Civil rights in literature.American literature -- African American authors -- History and criticism. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Environmental Activism on the Ground: Small Green and Indigenous Organizing2019ClappertonjonathaneditorPiperLizaeditorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-77385-006-1Environmentalism -- Case studies.Indigenous peoples -- Politics and government -- Case studies. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Provincialising Nature: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Politics of the Environment in Latin America2016ColettaMichelaeditorRaftopoulosMalaynaeditorUniversity of London PressPDF978-1-908857-81-1Environmental policy -- Latin America.Environmental protection -- Latin America.Climatic changes -- Government policy -- Latin America. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Stolen Future, Broken Present: The Human Significance of Climate Change:2014CollingsDavidOpen Humanities PressPDF978-1-60785-314-5Human beings -- Effect of climate on.Climatic changes -- Social aspects.Climatic changes -- Political aspects. Commons By Attribution Share Alike License
The Comstocks of Cornell: John Henry Comstock and Anna Botsford Comstock2019ComstockAnna BotsfordHerrickGlenn W.editorSmithRuby GreeneditorCornell University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Naturalists/BiographyComstock, Anna Botsford, -- 1854-1930.Comstock, John Henry, -- 1849-1931. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Christian Faith and the Earth: Current Paths and Emerging Horizons in Ecotheology2014ConradieErnst M.Bloomsbury AcademicPDF978-0-567-06617-6Human ecology--Religious aspects--Christianity.Ecotheology10.5040/9780567659613Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Sixty Years of Boom and Bust: The Impact of Oil in North Dakota, 1958-20182020ConwayKyleeditorThe Digital Press at the University of North DakotaPDF978-1-7345068-4-6Petroleum industry and trade -- North Dakota.Hydraulic fracturing -- Environmental aspects.Oil fields -- North Dakota. Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Workers and Dissent in the Redwood Empire1987CornfordDaniel A.Temple University PressPDF9781440000000Redwood (Wood)Forests and forestry -- California.Lumbermen -- Labor unions -- California -- Humboldt County -- History. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis2014CoyleEugene D.SimmonsRichard A.Purdue University PressPDF9781560000000Energy consumption.Renewable energy sources.Energy policy Commons Attribution 4.0
Global Carbon Pricing:The Path to Climate Cooperation2017CramtonPetereditorMIT PressPDF9780260000000Greenhouse gas mitigationEnvironmental impact charges.Carbon taxes Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Pacific Climate Cultures : Living Climate Change in Oceania2018CrookTonyRudiak-GouldPeterDe Gruyter Open PolandEPUB, PDF9783110000000Climatic changes -- Islands of the Pacific.Climatic changes -- Oceania. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 Licence
Toxic Truths: Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post-truth Age2020DaviesThomeditorMahAliceeditorManchester University PressPDF9781530000000Environmental justice.Environmental policy -- Citizen participation. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Hydrohumanities: Water Discourse and Environmental Futures2021De WolffKimeditorFalettiRina C.editorLopez-CalvoIgnacioeditorUniversity of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-38046-2Hydrology -- Environmental aspects.Water-supply -- Environmental aspects.10.1525/luminos.115Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Theology and Ecology across the Disciplines: Our Care for Our Common Home2018Deane-DrummondCeliaeditorArtinian-KaiserRebeccaeditorBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-0-5676-7275-9Nature -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.Ecotheology Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900–19412016DeverellWilliamSittonTomUniversity of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96597-3Water-supply -- California -- Los Angeles -- History -- 20th century.Rivers -- California -- Los Angeles -- History -- 20th century. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
India in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development2020DubashNavroz K.editorOxford University PressPDF978-0-19-909839-2Climate change mitigation -- India.Environmental policy -- India. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International
Water Rites: Reimagining Water in the West2018EllisJimeditorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-999-7Water-supply -- Social aspects -- Alberta.Right to water -- Alberta.Water conservation -- Alberta. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Grounding Urban Natures: Histories and Futures of Urban Ecologies2019ErnstsoHenrikeditorSorlinSverkereditorMIT PressPDF9780260000000Urban ecology (Sociology) -- Case studies.Urbanization -- Environmental aspects -- Case studies.Sociology, Urban -- Philosophy. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Plastic Legacies: Pollution, Persistence, and Politics2021FarrellyTrisiaeditorTaffelSyeditorShawianeditorAthabasca University PressEPUB, PDF9781770000000Plastics -- Environmental aspects.Plastics -- Social aspects.Plastic scrap -- Environmental aspects. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Climate Change and Poverty: A New Agenda for Developed Nations2014FitzpatrickTonyPolicy PressPDF978-1447300861Climatic changes -- Economic aspects -- Developed countries.Climatic changes -- Social aspects -- Developed countries.Poverty -- Environmental aspects -- Developed countries. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Hard Water: Politics and Water Supply in Milwaukee, 1870-19952001Foss-MollanKatePurdue University PressPDF9781610000000Water-supply -- Wisconsin -- Milwaukee -- History. Commons Attribution 4.0
Inuit, Polar Bears, and Sustainable Use: Local, National and International Perspectives2009FreemanMilton M.R.editorFooteA. LeeeditorUniversity of Alberta PressPDF978-1-77212-190-2Polar bearInuit -- Hunting.Wildlife management -- Government policy -- Canada, Northern.
Climate Change Scepticism: A Transnational Ecocritical Analysis2019GarrardGregBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-3500-5703-6Climatic changes -- Public opinion.Climatic changes -- Public opinion.Climatic changes -- Political aspects. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Maritime Poetics: From Coast to Hinterland2021GeeGabriel N.editorWiedmerCarolineeditortranscript verlagPDF978-3-8394-5023-9Port citiesSea Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Cities and Wetlands: The Return of the Repressed in Nature and Culture2016GiblettRodBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4742-6984-1Wetland ecologyCities and towns -- Environmental aspects.Wetlands Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Georges River Blues: Swamps, Mangroves and Resident Action, 1945–19802022GoodallHeatherAustralian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781760000000Estuarine ecology -- Australia -- New South Wales.Georges River (Sutherland Shire, N.S.W.) -- Environmental conditions. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Landscape of Desire: Identity and Nature in Utah's Canyon Country2003GordonGregUtah State University PressPDF9780870000000Natural history -- Utah.Landscapes -- Utah.Gordon, Greg, -- 1963- -- Travel -- Utah. Commons By Attribution License
The Environment in the Age of the Internet: Activists, Communication, and the Digital Landscape2016GrafHeikeeditorOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML9781780000000Mass media and the environment.Environmentalism in mass media.Environmental activism10.11647/OBP.0096Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
The Search for a Common Language: Environmental Writing and Education2005GraulichMelodyCrumbleyPaulUtah State University PressPDF978-0-87421-612-7Environmental writingEnvironmentalism and educationCommunication in the environmental sciences. Commons By Attribution License
Vital Reenchantments: Biophilia, Gaia, Cosmos, and the Affectively Ecological2019GreysonLaurenpunctum booksPDF978-1-950192-07-6Ecology -- Philosophy.Nature -- Effect of human beings onNature conservation -- Philosophy.10.21983/P3.0240.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International
Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications2022HadlerMarkusPalgrave MacmillanEPUB, PDF978-3-030-85796-7Climatic changes -- Social aspectsHuman ecology -- Study and teaching.Sociology -- Methodology. Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Mosquitopia: The Place of Pests in a Healthy World2021HallMarcuseditorTamirDaneditorTaylor & Francis GroupEPUB9781000000000Mosquitoes -- Control -- Environmental aspects.Natural history -- PhilosophyMosquitoes as carriers of disease. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 Licence
Public Deliberation on Climate Change: Lessons from Alberta Climate Dialogue2018HansonLorelei L.Athabasca University PressEPUB, PDF978-1-77199-216-9Climatic changes—Government policy—Alberta—Citizen participationClimatic changes—Social aspects10.15215/aupress/7981771992152.01Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Water in Times of Climate Change: A Values-driven Dialogue2021HasselaarJan JorriteditorUmkerElisabetheditorAmsterdam University PressEPUB, PDF9789050000000Water-supply -- Management.Water -- Religious aspects. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International Licence
Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship2016HeasleyLynneeditorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-897-6Water-supply -- Canada -- Management.Water-supply -- United States -- Management.Canadian-American Border Region. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
The Environmental Turn in Postwar Sweden: A New History of Knowledge2021HeidenbladDavid LarssonLund University PressPDF978-91-985577-4-9Environmentalism -- SwedenSocial impact of environmental issues -- Sweden Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Creatures of Habitat: The Changing Nature of Wildlife and Wild Places in Utah and the Intermountain West2001HengesbaughMark GerardUtah State University PressPDF9780870000000Habitat (Ecology) -- Utah.Animals -- Utah.Habitat (Ecology) -- Great Basin. Commons By Attribution License
The Resistance Dilemma: Place-Based Movements and the Climate Crisis2021HobergGeorgeMIT PressPDF9780260000000Environmentalism -- North America -- Citizen participation.Climate change mitigation -- North America.Climatic changes -- Government policy -- North America. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Cooling Down: Local Responses to Global Climate Change2022HoffmanSusanna MeditorEriksenThomas HyllandeditorMendesPauloeditorBerghahn BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-80073-298-8Climatic changes -- Social aspects -- Case studies.Climatic changes -- Effect of human beings on. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Addressing the Climate Crisis: Local action in theory and practice2022HowarthCandiceeditorLaneMattheweditorSlevinAmandaeditorPalgrave MacmillanEPUB, PDF978-3-030-79739-3Environmental policy.Climate change mitigationSustainable development. Commons 4.0 International licence
Ecologics: Wind and Power in the Anthropocene2019HoweCymeneDuke University PressPDF9781480000000Renewable energy sources -- Mexico -- Tehuantepec, Isthmus of.Energy development -- Political aspects.Wind power -- Mexico -- Tehuantepec, Isthmus of. Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Energy without Conscience: Oil, Climate Change, and Complicity2017HughesDavid McDermottDuke University PressPDF9780820000000Energy industries -- Environmental aspects.Petroleum industry and trade -- Moral and ethical aspects.Moral and ethical aspects. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Ecocriticism and Italy: Ecology, Resistance, and Liberation2016IovinoSerenellaBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4725-7166-3Ecocriticism -- Italy.Nature in literatureEnvironmentalism -- Italy Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Shadowing the Anthropocene: Eco-Realism for Turbulent Times2018IvakhivAdrianpunctum booksPDF978-1-947447-8-75. DOIEnvironmental psychology.Nature -- Effect of human beings onGeology, Stratigraphic -- Anthropocene10.21983/P3.0211.1.00Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International
Baffin Island: Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-672016IvesJack D.University of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-831-0Arctic regions -- Research -- Canada -- History -- 20th century.Ives, Jack D. -- Travel -- Nunavut -- Baffin Island. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International
The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success: Overcoming Myths that Hinder Progress2020JaccardMarkCambridge University PressPDF9781110000000Environmentalism -- Citizen participationClimatic changes -- Government policy.Energy policy Core Terms of Use
Blue Ridge Parkway: The First 50 Years1985JolleyHarley E.BlakeWilliam A.illustratorAppalachian Consortium PressEPUB, PDF9780910000000Blue Ridge Parkway (N.C. and Va.) -- History. Commons Attriubtion 3.0 United States License
Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Human Ecology in the Arctic2009KassamKarim-Aly SUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-293-6Human ecology -- Arctic regions.Biodiversity conservation -- Arctic regions.Indigenous peoples -- Arctic regions. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported
The Politics of Rights of Nature: Strategies for Building a More Sustainable Future2021KauffmanCraig M.MartinPamela L.MIT PressPDF9780260000000Environmental policy.Rights of natureEnvironment -- Law and legislation Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Rivers of the Anthropocene2017KellyJason M.editorUniversity of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96793-9Rivers -- Environmental aspects.Human ecology Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Sustainability Matters: Prospects for a Just Transition in Calgary, Canada’s Petro-City2021KeoughNoelGitterGeoffUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-77385-250-8Sustainable urban development -- Alberta -- Calgary.City planning -- Environmental aspects -- Alberta -- Calgary.Sustainable living -- Alberta -- Calgary. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
A Perfect Storm in the Amazon Wilderness: Success and Failure in the Fight to Save an Ecosystem of Critical Importance to the Planet2007KilleenTimothy J.White Horse PressPDF9781930000000Amazon River Region -- Conservation.Pé-de-Gigante Cerrado (Brazil) -- Conservation.Integración de la Estructura Regional de Sudamérica (Project) Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Politics and the Environment in Eastern Europe2021KovacsEszter KrasznaieditorOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML978-1-80064-134-1Environmental policy -- Europe, EasternEurope, Eastern -- Politics and government - 21st century10.11647/OBP.0244Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Advancing Environmental Education Practice2020KrasnyMarianne E.Cornell University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Environmental education -- Social aspects. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Delta Life: Exploring Dynamic Environments where Rivers Meet the Sea2021KrauseFranzeditorHarrisMarkeditorBerghahn BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-80073-416-6Deltas -- Environmental aspects.Ethnology Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Situating Sustainability: A Handbook of Contexts and Concepts2021KriegC. ParkereditorToivanenReetaeditorHelsinki University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-952-369-051-6Sustainability -- International cooperation.Environmental policy. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Bodies in Protest: Environmental Illness and the Struggle Over Medical Knowledge1997Kroll-SmithSteveeditorFloydH. HughNYU PressHTML9780810000000Environmentally induced diseases.Allergy and Immunology10.18574/nyu/9780814749234.001.0001Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Nerd Ecology: Defending the Earth with Unpopular Culture2018LioiAnthonyBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4725-6765-9Environmental sociology.Ecology in popular cultureEcology in literature10.5040/9781474219730Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Exploring Desert Stone: John N. Macomb's 1859 Expedition to the Canyonlands of the Colorado2010MadsenSteven K.Utah State University PressPDF978-0-87421-707-0Geological surveys -- Four Corners Region -- History -- 19th century.Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) -- Discovery and exploration.Macomb, J. N. -- (John N.), -- 1810 or 1811-1889 -- Travel -- Four Corners Region. Commons By Attribution License
Life, Fish and Mangroves: Resource Governance in Coastal Cambodia2012MarschkeMelissaUniversity of Ottowa PressPDF9780780000000Natural resources -- Co-management -- Cambodia.Natural resources -- Government policy -- Cambodia.Fishery co-management -- Cambodia.
Landscaping on the New Frontier: Waterwise Design for the Intermountain West2009MeyerSusan E.Utah State University PressPDF9780870000000Native plant gardening ; Great Basin.Landscape irrigation ; Great Basin.Natural landscaping ; Great Basin. Commons By Attribution License
Living Earth Community: Multiple Ways of Being and Knowing2020MickeySameditorTuckerMary EvelyneditorGrimJohneditorOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML9781780000000Human ecologySocial impact of environmental issuesSustainability -- Social aspects10.11647/OBP.0186Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License
Right Research: Modelling Sustainable Research Practices in the Anthropocene2021MiyaChelseaeditorRossierOlivereditorRockwellGeoffreyOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML9781780000000Research -- MethodologyResearch -- Environmental aspectsEducation -- Environmental aspects10.11647/OBP.0213Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Footprints in Paradise: Ecotourism, Local Knowledge, and Nature Therapies in Okinawa2017MurrayAndrea E.Berghahn BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-78533-473-3Ecotourism -- Japan -- Okinawa Island.Economic development -- Japan -- Okinawa Island.Traditional ecological knowledge -- Japan -- Okinawa Island. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Small is Necessary: Shared Living on a Shared Planet2018NelsonAnitraPluto PressEPUB9781790000000Ecological houses.Shared housing -- Sociological aspects. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Transactions with the World: Ecocriticism and the Environmental Sensibility of New Hollywood2016O'BrienAdamBerghahn BooksPDF978-1-78920-468-1Environmentalism in motion pictures.Ecology in motion pictures.Motion pictures -- United States -- History -- 20th century. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future2013O'RiordanTimothyeditorLentonTimothyOxford University PressPDF9780200000000Social stabilityClimatic changes -- Social aspects. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Decolonising Blue Spaces in the Anthropocene: Freshwater management in Aotearoa New Zealand2021ParsonsMegFisherKarenCreaseRoa PetraPalgrave MacmillanEPUB, PDF978-3-030-61071-5Water-supply -- Management -- New ZealandEnvironmental justice -- New ZealandMaori (New Zealand people) Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
Flint Fights Back: Environmental Justice and Democracy in the Flint Water Crisis2019PauliBenjamin J.MIT PressPDF9780260000000Environmental justice -- Michigan -- Flint.Water quality management -- Michigan -- Flint.Political participation -- Michigan -- Flint. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Fundamentals for the Anthropocene2019PearceJackDe Gruyter Open PolandEPUB, PDF9783110000000Globalization -- Environmental aspects.Natural history -- PhilosophyOntology Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Licens
Environment in the Lives of Children and Families: Perspectives from India and the UK2017PhoenixAnnPolicy PressPDF978-1447339199Children and the environment -- Great Britain.Children and the environment -- India. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption2016PiraniSimonPluto PressEPUB9780750000000Energy consumption -- History.Fossil fuels -- Economic aspects.Fossil fuels -- Environmental aspects. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds2021PughJonathaneditorChandlerDavideditorUniversity of Westminster PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-1-914386-01-5Island ecologyNature -- Effect of human beings onIslands in literature Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Building Green: Environmental Architects and the Struggle for Sustainability in Mumbai2017RademacherAnnaUniversity of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96872-1Sustainable architecture -- India -- Mumbai.Urban ecology (Sociology) -- India -- Mumbai.Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- India -- Mumbai. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Natural Resource Development and Human Rights in Latin America: State and Non-state Actors in the Promotion of and Opposition to Extractivism2017RaftopoulosMalaynaeditorPoweskaRadosławeditorUniversity of London PressPDF978-1-912250-4-17Sustainable development -- Latin AmericaNatural resources -- Latin AmericaHuman rights -- Environmental aspects -- Latin America10.14296/0520.9781912250417Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Greenwor(l)ds: Ecocritical Readings of Canadian Women's Poetry1999RelkeDiana M. A.University of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-358-2Women authors -- Canada -- History -- 20th century.Ecology in literature.Canadian poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported
Rebuilding Central Park: A Management and Restoration Plan1987RogersElizabeth RogersCramerMarianneeditorMIT PressPDF9780260000000Central Park (New York, N.Y.)City planning -- Environmental aspects.Urban ecology (Sociology) Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
Ecology & wonder in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site2010SandfordRobert WilliamAthabasca University PressPDF9781900000000Ecology -- Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site (Alta. and B.C.)Environmental protection -- Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site (Alta. and B.C.)National parks and reserves -- Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site (Alta. and B.C.) -- Management. Commons License, Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada
Embracing watershed politics2008SchlagerEdellaBlomquistWilliamUniversity Press of ColoradoEPUB978-0-87081-975-9Watershed management—Political aspects—United StatesIntegrated water development—United States. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence
Engineering the Climate: Science, Politics, and Visions of Control2021SchubertJuliaMattering PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-1-912729-26-5Climate change mitigation.Weather controlClimatic changes -- Political aspects Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence
Fuel: An Ecocritical History2018ScottHeidi C.M.Bloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-3500-5399-1Fuel in literaturePower resources in literatureSustainable living Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Climate of the Middle: Understanding Climate Change as a Common Challenge2022SiegmannArgeneditorSpringerEPUB, PDF978-3-030-85322-8Climatic changes -- Moral and ethical aspects.Climatic changes -- Social aspects.Climatic changes -- Government policy. Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
The Anthroposcene of Weather and Climate: Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate2021SillitoePauleditorBerghahn BooksPDF978-1-80073-278-0Climatic changes -- Social aspects -- Case studies.Weather -- Social aspects -- Case studies.Climatic changes -- Effect of human beings on. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Rethinking Sustainable Cities: Accessible, Green and Fair2018SimonDavideditorPolicy PressPDF978-1447332855Sustainable urban development.City planning -- Environmental aspects. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Anthropological Perspectives on Environmental Communication2022Sjölander-LindqvistAnnelieeditorMurinIvaneditorDoveMichael E.editorPalgrave MacmillanEPUB, PDF978-3-030-78040-1Communication in the environmental sciences -- Social aspects.Sustainability -- Social aspects. Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
The New Nature Writing: Rethinking the Literature of Place2017SmithJosBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4742-7503-3Landscapes in literature.Nature in literature.Nature in literature Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context2013SoperEllaeditorBradleyNicholaseditorUniversity of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-547-0Ecocriticism -- Canada.Ecology in literature.Nature in literature. Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported
In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism2015StengersIsabelleOpen Humanities PressPDF978-1-78542-010-8Global environmental change.Nature -- Effect of human beings onHuman ecology Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Understanding the Rights of Nature : A Critical Introduction2022TanasescuMihneatranscript verlagPDF978-3-8394-5431-2Environmental policy.Rights of natureSocial philosophy Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet2020TortellPhilippeeditorOpen Book PublishersPDF, HTML978-1-78374-847-1Climate change mitigationGlobal environmental changeHuman ecology10.11647/OBP.0193Creative Commons 4.0 International licence
Water and Society: Changing Perceptions of Societal and Historical Development2021TvedtTerjeBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-0-7556-0649-8Water and civilization.Water -- Social aspects. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Social Sustainability, Past and Future; Undoing Unintended Consequences for the Earth's Survival2019van der LeeuwSanderCambridge University PressPDF9781110000000Environmental sociology.Sustainability -- Social aspects.Environmentalism -- Social aspects. Core Terms of Use
Imaginative Ecologies: Inspiring Change through the Humanities2022Villanueva-RomeroDianaeditorKerslakeLorraineeditorFlys-JunqueraCarmeneditorBrillPDF978-90-04-50127-0Human ecology and the humanitiesEnvironmental justice.Ecocriticism Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International Licence
Nature Guiding2018VinalWilliam GouldCornell University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Nature study Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Virtuous Waters: Mineral Springs, Bathing, and Infrastructure in Mexico2018WalshCareyUniversity of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96539-3Mineral waters -- Mexico -- Mexico City.Baths -- Mexico -- Mexico City -- History.Water -- Mexico -- Mexico City -- History. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Country, Native Title and Ecology2012WeirJessica K.editorAustralian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781920000000Native title (Australia) -- Environmental aspects -- Australia.Aboriginal Australians -- Land tenure.Environmental management. rights reserved
Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region: Sea Changes2021WheelerWilliamUCL PressPDF9781800000000Aral Sea (Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan) -- Environmental conditions.Human ecology -- Aral Sea (Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan)Economic development -- Aral Sea (Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan) Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International Licence
Mountain, Water, Rock, God: Understanding Kedarnath in the Twenty-First Century2018WhitmoreLukeUniversity of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-97015-1Kidārnāṭh (Temple : Kedāranātha, India)Ecology -- Religious aspects -- Hinduism.Natural disasters -- Religious aspects -- Hinduism. Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings their Due2020WienhuesAnnaBristol University PressPDF978-1529208528Environmental ethics.Environmental policy Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Global Meat: Social and Environmental Consequences of the Expanding Meat Industry2019WindersBilleditorRansomElizabetheditorMIT PressPDF9780260000000Meat industry and trade -- Environmental aspects Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License
The Nature of Northern Australia: Its Natural Values, Ecological Processes and Future Prospects2007WoinarskiJohnAustralian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781920000000Human ecology -- Australia, Northern.Environmental sciences -- Australia, Northern.Human geography -- Australia, Northern. rights reserved
On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy2013WoodardBenpunctum booksPDF978-0-6157853-8-7Earth (Planet) -- Philosophy.10.21983/P3.0025.1.00Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0
Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts2016ZapfHerbertBloomsbury AcademicPDF978-1-4742-7467-8Environment in literature.Nature in literatureEcology in literature10.5040/9781474274685Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives
Governing the Climate-Energy Nexus: Institutional Complexity and Its Challenges to Effectiveness and Legitimacy2020ZelliFariborzeditorCambridge University PressPDF9781110000000Global environmental change -- Government policy.Fossil fuels -- Government policy.Renewable energy sources -- Government policy. Core Terms of Use

by Megan Smith, OTH

In honor of Earth Month 2022, OTH is highlighting The Alternatives Project (TAP) and three of their associated organizations for their efforts in environmental justice. These organizations exemplify the power of the people to resist the current extractive economy organizing society today and offer hope that there are alternatives to creating an equal and sustainable future for humanity and our earth. TAP is a transnational organization on a mission to build “a global collective, critical voice-oriented towards education. 


Read about UPROSE, a women of color-led, grassroots organization that established Sunset Park Climate Justice Center, a climate adaptation and community resiliency planning project in Brooklyn, New York.

The Sunrise Movement

The Sunrise Movement is a youth led movement that is fighting climate change through their current campaign “The Green New Deal,” a congressional resolution to mobilize American society to use 100% clean and renewable energy, sustainable living-wage jobs for all, and a people centered economy.

The United Frontline Table

The United Frontline Table is an indigenous-led organization that is human-centered and focused on building a regenerative economy that respects the principle of all peoples right to health and equal environmental law.


by Jamie Saxon, Office of Communications

This article was originally published by the Office of Communications at Princeton University. OTH received permission to republish this article and the original story can be viewed here.

Since 2014, this interdisciplinary program housed in the School of Architecture has brought together students and faculty with an interest in cities and the built environment through public programming and a series of undergraduate and graduate courses.

A critical component of the initiative is a fellowship program that brings a small select cohort of scholars to campus annually.                              

In addition to their own research, the Princeton Mellon Fellows teach courses and contribute to programming related to the initiative’s continuing theme, “Cities on the Edge: Hemispheric Comparisons and Connections.” This theme explores the ways in which cities exist on the edge of sustainability and climate change, are sites for the connective and comparative study of migration, and allow for scholarship that foregrounds hemispheric comparisons and connections. The program also creates opportunities for social justice-oriented scholarship and civic engagement within urban studies.

Fellows also present and discuss their research as part of the Mellon Forum on the Urban Environmentwhich serves as the intellectual core of the program.

Principal investigators Mario Gandelsonas, the Class of 1913 Lecturer in Architecture, professor of the School of Architecture and director of the Program in Urban Studies, and Alison Isenberg, professor of history, lead the cohort.

Gandelsonas said the fellows contribute in important ways to the School of Architecture (SoA), where their impact in the classroom inspires and informs the work of undergraduate and graduate students.

“The Mellon Initiative Fellows have been teaching courses at the SoA that expand the range of offerings and subjects with a focus on urbanism, urban architecture and planning,” he said. “The influence of these very well-attended courses is visible particularly in the graduate program, where an increasing number of students have been proposing themes for their master’s theses related to urban and environmental issues.”

Each year, one of the fellows also co-teaches with Gandelsonas the undergraduate interdisciplinary urban studio (ARC205) at the School of Architecture. “The role of the Mellon fellow has been, on one hand to develop a seminar that is an integral part of this unique studio, and on the other hand to bring an interdisciplinary voice that expands and enriches the development of the student projects,” Gandelsonas said.

‘A truly interdisciplinary cohort’

From initial partnerships with the School of Architecture, the Humanities Council and the Program in Latin America Studies, the Mellon Initiative now works with most academic units across campus. The initiative collaborates closely with High Meadows Environmental Institute, PIIRS, SPIA, the Lewis Center for the Arts, and the Metropolis Project of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, as well as many humanities departments to bring in each year’s Mellon Fellows. These connections, Isenberg said, “creates a truly interdisciplinary cohort.”

Every fellow teaches at least one course, which in some cases helps campus partners fill shifting demands in methods or topics.

“We bring to campus top scholars in disciplines with large student interest but no Princeton department, for example, in fields like urban planning and geography,” said Isenberg, who has worked with the Mellon Initiative since its launch. She added that these courses also serve the University by “bridging humanities and the arts to engineering, policy and environmental studies.” Fellows also have helped campus partners expand scholarship in fields such as trans and queer studies, and gender and sexuality studies.

“Having a call for interdisciplinary fellows each year enables us to hire a dynamic group of scholars who are at the leading edge of their fields,” said Aaron Shkuda, program manager of the Princeton Mellon Initiative and a lecturer in architecture. Often the fellows have combined advanced degrees from several fields such as landscape architecture and geography, urban planning and international development, or engineering and anthropology.

“This interdisciplinarity helps illuminate the research and teaching opportunities of the fellows program,” Isenberg said. 

New areas of research and scholarship

Shkuda added that the fellows have an important impact on the future direction of teaching and research on cities and the built environment at the University.

“Our fellows design programming and classes that draw broad interest from students, faculty and the public at large,” he said. “They are often among the first Princeton scholars to focus on topics that have come to define discourse across the disciplines, such as the way climate change has changed our view of urban planning and architecture; the intersection between race, gender and the urban environment; the study of camps, prisons and borders; and the way that architecture was critical to nation-building in postcolonial societies.”

Isenberg said that the biggest development since the Mellon Initiative’s inception in 2014 has been the University’s decision to continue the program beyond 2025, the final year of support from the Mellon Foundation.

In many ways that was the Mellon Foundation’s goal, Isenberg noted. Princeton is one of more than a dozen research universities and institutes in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and South Africa that the Mellon Foundation engages and connects through its Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities initiative.

“The Foundation helped spark new research and teaching collaborations that maximized the unique departmental and programmatic configuration of each university or institution,” she said. “At Princeton, the initiative demonstrated the intellectual vitality of this field at the intersection of architecture, urbanism and the humanities, while simultaneously joining forces with existing programs on campus to strengthen their respective priorities.”

Below, meet this year’s fellows and learn about the focus of their research and teaching in the classroom.

Chandana Anusha

Chandana Anusha is a scholar of social and environmental dynamics in India, with a special interest in coastal regions. Her research focuses on how ecological and infrastructural processes intersect in an era defined by climate change and global trade.

This spring, she is teaching the course “Coastal Justice: Ecologies, Societies, Infrastructures in South Asia.”

Anusha’s fellowship is made possible by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the M.S. Chadha Center for Global India and the Princeton Institute for International & Regional Studies.

Devanne Brookins

Devanne Brookins’research explores comparative urban studies, urban transformation and the production of inequality, with a focus on African cities. This agenda is driven by a desire to understand how urban transformations in Sub-Saharan Africa reflect and differ from those in regions that have bridged the urban transition in earlier periods.

With urbanization and transformation proliferating across Africa, many urban development interventions are taking place amid questions regarding the governance of urban land: how it is assembled, how the value is captured and distributed, and who has access. These contemporary processes of urbanization, expansion and restructuring are producing concerning patterns of inequality. Brookins examines how urban inequality is manufactured through governance processes as socio-political compromises that become spatially embedded in land and the built environment.

This spring, she is teaching two graduate courses in Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs: “Urbanization and Development” and, with Keith Wailoo, the Henry Putnam University Professor of History and Public Affairs, “Identity, Power and Policy.”

Dean Chahim

Dean Chahim’s research examines the relationship between engineering, political power and the production of urban environments. His current project is an ethnography and history of flood control engineering and urbanization in Mexico City. It examines how engineers, under political pressure to enable urban growth, have transformed flooding into a routinized and spatially diffuse form of environmental suffering that disproportionately affects the urban poor.

This spring, he is teaching the undergraduate course “Engineering Justice and the City: Technologies, Environments, and Power.”

His fellowship is made possible through the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Humanities Council, the University Center for Human Values, the Metropolis Project, and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Chukwuemeka V. Chukwuemeka

Chukwuemeka V. Chukwuemeka is an architect and urbanist with international experience in project development, project management and systems design. His research is on emergent dynamics and self-organization processes of spatial productions in rapidly urbanizing sub-Saharan African cities, with a focus on Onitsha Markets in Nigeria.

In fall 2021, he and Gandelsonas co-taught the undergraduate course “Interdisciplinary Design Studio” for certificate students in the Program in Urban Studies.

Chukwuemeka’s fellowship is made possible by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Program in African Studies, and the Princeton Institute for International & Regional Studies.

Seth Denizen

Seth Denizen is a researcher and design practitioner trained in landscape architecture and human geography. His published work is multidisciplinary, addressing art and design, microbial ecology, soil science, urban geography and the politics of climate change. He is currently a member of the editorial board of Scapegoat Journal: Architecture/Landscape/Political Economy.

In fall 2021, he taught the undergraduate course “Thinking Through Soil.”

Denizen’s fellowship is sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the High Meadows Environmental Institute.

Shoshana Goldstein

Shoshana Goldstein’s research explores the impacts of India’s economic liberalization on urban planning, governance, and placemaking for migrant and formerly agrarian communities in peri-urban New Delhi. Her current project charts the complex planning history of Delhi’s satellite city, Gurgaon.

In fall 2021, she taught the undergraduate course “South Asian Migrations.” This spring, she is teaching an undergraduate policy research seminar.

Goldstein’s fellowship is sponsored by the the M.S. Chadha Center for Global India, the Princeton Institute for International & Regional Studies, and the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.

Davy Knittle

Davy Knittle’s research considers how normative ideas of race, sexuality and gender have shaped the redevelopment of the built and non-built environments of U.S. cities from the 1950s to the present. His current book project, “Designs on the Future: Gender, Race, and Environment in the Transitional City,” uses a multidisciplinary archive of literary and cultural texts to trace resistance to dominant narratives of urban progress.

“Designs on the Future” engages a queer and trans method of reading urban and environmental change that identifies the entanglement of urban, environmental, and queer and trans experiences of loss in U.S. cities in the wake of urban renewal.

This spring, he is teaching the undergraduate course “Race, Gender and the Urban Environment.”

Knittle’s fellowship is sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Effron Center for the Study of America and the High Meadows Environmental Institute. The fellowship will span the spring and fall 2022 semesters.

by Chris Plattsmier

There is an abundance of great podcasts coming out of libraries of all scale and size, ranging from small community colleges to some of the larger public branches in the country. Then there is the bundle of podcasts produced by industry-adjacent services, products, organizations, media, etc. that make finding a quality listen even harder. OTH wanted to share a list of podcasts and episodes to pair with our latest issue, which focused on topics related to environmental history and studies, for our readers to enjoy and add to their listening list moving forward. 

Don’t see your favorite podcast related to libraries, climate change, and the environment? Let us know!

In This Climate

A podcast from Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Institute and The Media School focusing on engaging scientists on the front lines of environmental resilience battles and legislation, plus ways you can stay resilient.


TILclimate Podcast

Produced by MIT, these 10 minute listens are a great way to learn or engage students about the science, technologies, and policies driving climate change and it’s possible solutions. 


Yale Climate Collection

“Yale Climate Connections is a nonpartisan, multimedia service providing daily broadcast radio programming and original web-based reporting, commentary, and analysis on the issue of climate change, one of the greatest challenges and stories confronting modern society.”

Check out one of their recent pieces, “Chicago nonprofit transforms old library into climate-friendly headquarters”, to get an idea of some of the daily/weekly stories that YCC produces.

More Options

The Society of Environmental Journalists compiled a great list of podcasts to listen to related to climate change, environmental studies, environmental justice, and more to check out if you are interested. Also, the library at the University of Colorado recently announced a new podcast, “Why We Did This”, that explores access to climate research as a human right.

by Clare Doyle, OTH

This issue of OTH Bookshelf comprises more than 200 academic open access titles in the area of Women’s Studies. 

The OTH list includes the book’s author or editor names, title and title remainder, year of publication, publisher, and open access format (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, etc.) Subject headings in the list are taken from WorldCat records, if available: if not, original cataloging of subject headings is provided in WorldCat format, for consistency. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the book is given if it is available on the publisher’s website; if not, the URL is provided. The ISBNs listed are for the online version of the book if available, and if more than one online ISBN is available the ISBN for the PDF version has been preferred; if there is no online or e-book ISBN, the ISBN featured on the publisher’s website is included. The book’s license type is included if this has been provided by the publisher.

The OTH Women’s Studies Bookshelf lists titles from more than 40 publishers: if our readers are aware of any title or publishers that are not included, please feel free to submit them for consideration. To be included in OTH Bookshelf, a book must be available to read online and/or download for free and must have been assigned an ISBN.

Download Spreadsheet Version (.xslx)

Women's Studies OA Title List

TitleDOI or URLAuthor 1 LastAuthor 1 FirstAuthor 2 FirstAuthor 2 LastAuthor 3 LastAuthor 3 FirstYearPublisherFormatISBNEditionSubject 1Subject 2Subject 3LicenseLicense
Representations of Slave Women in Discourses on Slavery and Abolition, 1780–1838, HTML9780200000000Women slaves -- Jamaica -- History.Slavery -- Jamaica -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
Beauvoir in Time, Simone de, -- 1908-1986 -- Criticism and interpretation.Beauvoir, Simone de, -- 1908-1986. -- Deuxième sexeFeminismCreative Commons Attribution + NonCommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Tainted Souls and Painted Faces : The Rhetoric of Fallenness in Victorian Culture University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Women and literature -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century.Prostitution -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century.Women and literature -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The Royal Women of Amarna: Images of Beauty from Ancient Egypt Museum of ArtPDF9780870000000Queens -- Egypt -- Tell el-Amarna -- PortraitsPrincesses -- Egypt -- Tell el-Amarna -- PortraitsAmenhotep -- III, -- King of Egypt -- Family -- Art
A Passion for Performance: Sarah Siddons and Her Portraitists PublicationsPDF9780890000000Siddons, Sarah, -- 1755-1831.Portrait painting
Gendered Violence: Jewish Women in the Pogroms of 1917 to 1921 Studies PressPDF9781600000000Jewish women -- Violence against -- UkrainePogroms -- UkraineRape -- Ukraine Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Women and the Law of London PressPDF978-1-911507-10-9Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Great Britain.Women -- Great Britain -- Social conditions.Women -- Great Britain -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Arab Women in Algeria Gruyter Open PolandEPUB, PDF9783100000000Women, Arab -- Algeria
Defending Women's Rights in Europe: Gender Equality and EU Enlargement A.2015SUNY PressPDF, HTML9781440000000Women's rights -- European Union countries.Sex discrimination against women -- European Union countries.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Vigée Le Brun Museum of ArtPDF9781590000000Vigée-Lebrun, Louise-Elisabeth, -- 1755-1842Women painters -- France -- History -- 18th centuryPortrait painting, French -- History
The Prostitution of Sexuality10.18574/nyu/9780814786086.001.0001BarryKathleen1994NYU PressHTML9780800000000Prostitution-Moral and ethical aspects.Women—Crimes againstFeminist theoryCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
The Religious Identity of Young Muslim Women in Berlin: An Ethnographic Study in IslamMuslims--GermanyWomen--GermanyCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
The Eighteenth-Century Woman Museum of ArtPDF9780870000000Women -- History -- 18th century.Women -- Biography
Women, War and Islamic Radicalisation in Maryam Mahboob's Afghanistan University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Mahboob, Maryam, 1955- -- Criticism and interpretationWomen -- Afghanistan -- Social conditions -- 21st centuryWomen's rights -- AfghanistanCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Women and Crime in Post-Transitional South African Crime Fiction detectives in literatureFemale offenders in literatureDetective and mystery stories, South African (English)–History and criticismCreative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
320 rue St Jacques: The Diary of Madeleine Blaess Rose University PressPDF, HTML978-1-912482-13-9Blaess, Madeleine -- Diaries.British -- France -- Paris -- Biography.World War, 1939-1945 -- France -- Paris -- Personal narratives.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial 4.0 licence
Not of Woman Born: Representations of Caesarean Birth in Medieval and Renaissance Culture University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Cesarean section -- Europe -- History.Medical illustration -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Stories of Women: Gender and Narrative in the Postcolonial Nation University PressPDF9781500000000English literature -- English-speaking countries -- History and criticism.Women in literaturePostcolonialism in literature.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Greatness Engendered: George Eliot and Virginia Woolf University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Eliot, George, -- 1819-1880.Woolf, Virginia, -- 1882-1941.English fiction -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace: Conservative Women and the Crusade against Communism C.2008University Press of ColoradoHTML9781460000000Women conservatives -- United States -- History.Communism -- United States -- Prevention.Conservatism -- United States -- History.All rights reserved
British Women Surgeons and their Patients, 1860–1918 University PressPDF9781300000000Women surgeons -- Great Britain -- HistoryMedical care -- Great BritainCambridge Core Terms of Use
Negotiating Nursing: British Army Sisters and Soldiers in the Second World War University PressPDF9781500000000Great Britain. -- Army. -- Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps -- History.World War, 1939-1945 -- Medical care -- Great Britain.Military nursing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
The Truest Form of Patriotism': Pacifist Feminism in Britain, 1870–1902 University PressPDF9781500000000Feminism -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th centuryPacifism -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th centuryWomen pacifists -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
The Other Women's Lib: Gender and Body in Japanese Women's Fiction C.2010University of Hawai'i PressPDF9780800000000Japanese fiction -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Feminist literary criticism -- Japan.Gender identity in literature.
Save the Womanhood! Vice, Urban immorality and Social Control in Liverpool, c. 1900-1976 University PressPDF, HTML978-1-786-94880-9Women -- England -- Liverpool -- Social conditions -- 20th century.Women immigrants -- Services for -- England -- Liverpool.Promiscuity -- England -- Liverpool.
Woman between Two Kingdoms: Dara Rasami and the Making of Modern Thailand University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Rasama, Dari--1873-1933Sex role—Political aspects—Thailand—History—19th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Goodna Girls: A History of Children in a Queensland Mental Asylum National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781800000000Psychiatric hospitals -- Australia -- Queensland -- HistoryWolston Park Hospital (Qld.) -- HistoryChild welfare -- Australia -- Queensland -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Painted Love: Prostitution in French Art of the Impressionist Era PublicationsPDF9780890000000Prostitutes in art.Impressionism (Art) -- France.Women -- France -- History
Bolshevik Feminist: The Life of Aleksandra Kollontai Evans1979Indiana University PressHTML9780300000000Kollontaj, Aleksandra Mikhajlovna, -- 1872-1952.Socialists -- Soviet Union -- Biography.Feminists -- Soviet Union -- Biography.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Gendering Women: Identity and Mental Wellbeing through the Lifecourse PressPDF978-1847426789Women -- Mental healthSex role -- Psychological aspects.Gender identity -- Psychological aspects.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
The Process of Occupational Sex-Typing: The Feminization of Clerical Labor in Great Britain University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781400000000Women clerks--Great Britain--History.Sexual division of labor--Great Britain--History.Women--Employment--Great Britain--History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Contemporary Irish Women Poets: Memory and Estrangement University PressPDF, HTML978-1-781-38469-5English poetry -- Irish authors -- History and criticism.English poetry -- Women authors -- History and criticism.
Unjust Conditions: Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs Patricia2018University of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96952-0Rural women -- Peru -- Economic conditions.Economic assistance, Domestic -- Social aspects -- Peru.Creative Commons Attribution + ShareAlike 4.0
Cultivating Femininity: Women and Tea Culture in Edo and Meiji Japan of Hawai'i PressPDF9780800000000Japanese tea ceremony—HistoryWomen—Japan—Social conditionsWomen—Japan—Economic conditions
Embracing Age: How Catholic Nuns Became Models of Aging Well I.2021Rutgers University PressPDF9782000000000Monastic and religious life of women -- United StatesAging -- Religious aspects -- Catholic ChurchAging -- Religious aspects -- Catholic ChurchCreative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Julia Margaret Cameron: Complete Photographs PublicationsPDF9780890000000Cameron, Julia Margaret, -- 1815-1879.Women photographers -- United StatesPhotography, Artistic.
Thoughtrave: An Interdimensional Conversation with Lady Gaga10.21983/P3.0138.1.00CraigRobert Baum2016punctum booksPDF978-0-692-68691-1Lady Gaga -- Criticism and interpretationPopular music -- United States -- 2011-2020 -- History and criticism.Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license,
First Blood: A Cultural Study of Menarche University PressEPUB, PDF9781900000000Menstruation -- Cross-cultural studiesCreative Commons Attribution + NonCommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Knowing Women: Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana Owusua2021Cambridge University PressPDF9781100000000Lesbianism--Ghana--HistoryWomen--GhanaGender identity--GhanaCambridge Core Terms of Use
Geographies of Identity: Narrative Forms, Feminist Futures10.53288/0329.1.00DarlingJill2021punctum booksPDF978-1-68571-013-2Women authorsPopular culture--United StatesFeminismCreative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license
Woman's Place Is at the Typewriter: Office Work and Office Workers, 1870-1930 W.1982Temple University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781400000000Women -- Employment -- United States -- History.Clerks -- United States -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Marion Nicoll: Silence and Alchemy of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-739-9Nicoll, Marion, -- 1909-1985 -- Criticism and interpretation.Art, Abstract -- Canada -- History.Women artists -- Canada
In the Eye of the Beholder: What Six Nineteenth-century Women Tell Us About Indigenous Authority and Identity National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Women pioneers -- Australia -- Attitudes -- History -- 19th centuryAboriginal Australians -- Public opinion.Australia -- Race relations -- History -- 19th century.All rights reserved
Repealing the 8th: Reforming Irish Abortion Law LondrasFionaMaireadEnright2018Policy PressPDF978-1447347514Abortion -- Law and legislation -- Ireland.Constitutional law -- Ireland.Reproductive rights -- IrelandCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Women in Mongol Iran: the Khātūns, 1206-1335 NicolaBruno2017Edinburgh University PressEPUB, PDF9780000000000Women -- Iran -- History -- To 1500.Mongols -- Iran -- History -- To 1500.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
Violence Against Women’s Health in International Law VidoSara2020Manchester University PressPDF9781500000000Women's health services -- Law and legislation.Women -- Legal status, laws, etc.Women (International law)Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Joséphine and the Arts of the Empire P.2005Getty PublicationsPDF9780890000000Josephine, -- Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, -- 1763-1814 -- Art patronage.Decoration and ornament -- Empire style.Art, French
The Surplus Woman: Unmarried in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918 L.2009Berghahn BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-78533-662-1Single women -- Germany -- HistoryWomen -- Germany -- Social conditionsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Governance of Female Drug Users: Women's Experiences of Drug Policy RoseNatasha2015Policy PressPDF978-1847426727Women -- Drug useDrug abuse -- Government policy.Women drug addicts -- Services for.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Envy, Poison, & Death: Women on Trial in Classical Athens University PressPDF9780200000000Women -- Greece--Athens--HistoryFemale offenders -- History -- To 1500.Law, GreekCreative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International licence
Issues in Feminist Film Criticism University PressHTML9780300000000Feminism and motion pictures.Feminist film criticism.Women in motion pictures.Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Gillian Armstrong: Popular, Sensual & Ethical Cinema University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Armstrong, Gillian, -- 1950-Women in motion picturesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa Paula2020Liverpool University PressPDF, HTML978-1-789-62824-1Portuguese literature -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Imperialism in literature.Postcolonialism in literature.
Feminist Theory, Women's Writing A.2018Cornell University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Feminism and literatureFeminist theoryCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Digital Divas: Putting the Wow into Computing for Girls University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Information technology -- Study and teaching (Secondary)Women in information scienceComputers -- Study and teaching (Secondary)Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Sound Citizens: Australian Women Broadcasters Claim their Voice, 1923–1956 National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781800000000Women broadcasters -- Australia -- HistoryWomen in radio broadcasting -- Australia -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Babysitter: An American History10.33682/nyu/9780814728536.001.0001Forman-BrunellMiriam2009NYU PressHTML978–0–8147–2759–1Babysitting -- United States -- History -- 20th centuryTeenage girls -- United StatesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Women in the Silent Cinema: Histories of Fame and Fate University PressPDF9789000000000Women in motion picturesSilent films -- History and criticismMotion picture actors and actresses -- Biography.
Maori and Aboriginal Women in the Public Eye: Representing Difference, 1950–2000 National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Women, Maori -- New Zealand -- HistoryWomen, Aboriginal Australian -- Australia -- HistoryWomen -- BiographyAll rights reserved
Mary Heaton Vorse: The Life of an American Insurgent University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781400000000Vorse, Mary Heaton, -- 1874-1966.Women -- Suffrage -- United States -- HistoryLabor journalism -- United States.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Situating Women: Gender Politics and Circumstance in Fiji National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Women -- Political activity -- FijiWomen in development -- FijiSex discrimination against women -- FijiAllrights reserved
Making Muslim Women European: Voluntary Associations, Gender, and Islam in Post-Ottoman Bosnia and Yugoslavia (1878–1941) European University PressPDF978-963-386-368-8Muslim women -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Social conditions.Muslim women -- Yugoslavia -- Social conditions.Muslim women -- Societies and clubsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Come As You Are, After Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick10.21983/P3.0342.1.00GoldbergJonathanEve KosofskySedgwick2021punctum booksPDF978-1-953035-59-2Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky -- Criticism and interpretation.Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license,
At Home in Exile: A Memoir M.2021Australian National University PressEPUB, PDF9781800000000Griffin, Helga-Maria, -- 1935-Refugees -- Australia -- Biography.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Paths of Duty: American Missionary Wives in Nineteenth-Century Hawaii of Hawai'i PressEPUB, PDF9780820000000Missionaries' spouses -- Hawaii -- History -- 19th century.Hawaii -- Church history.
Women Build the Welfare State: Performing Charity and Creating Rights in Argentina, 1880–1955 J.2009Duke University PressPDF9780820000000Women philanthropists -- Argentina.Women in charitable work -- Argentina.Feminists -- ArgentinaCreative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Ebb Tide: As Seen Through the Diary of Josephine Clay Habersham, 1863 ClaySpencer BidwellKing1958University of Georgia PressPDF978-0-8203-3447-9Habersham, Josephine Clay, 1821-1893United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Personal narratives, ConfederateSavannah (Ga.)--Social life and customs
Nurse Writers of the Great War E.2017Manchester University PressPDF9781500000000Nurses' writingsWorld War, 1914-1918 -- Medical careWorld War, 1914-1918 -- Women authorsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Lover10.18574/nyu/9780814773130.001.0001HarrisBertha1993NYU PressHTML9780800000000Lesbians/FictionCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
English Aristocratic Women and the Fabric of Piety, 1450-1550 J.2018Amsterdam University PressPDF9789000000000Women and religion -- England -- HistoryUpper class women -- England -- HistoryChurch architecture -- England -- HistoryCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature: Their Status and RolesHeger in the BibleWomen in rabbinical literatureCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Ranching Women in Southern Alberta of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-913-3Women ranchers -- Alberta -- History -- 19th century.Women ranchers -- Alberta -- History -- 20th century.Ranch life -- Alberta -- History
Patrons of Women: Literacy Projects and Gender Development in Rural Nepal BooksEPUB, PDF978-1-78920-641-8Literacy programs -- Nepal.Rural women -- Nepal -- Social conditions.Women in rural development -- Nepal.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Sisters: Gender, Transgression, Adolescence University PressEPUB, PDF9780700000000Girls -- Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 17th centuryGirls -- Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 16th centuryEnglish literature -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- History and criticism.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
The Other Side of the Story: Structures and Strategies of Contemporary Feminist Narratives University PressPDF9781500000000English fiction -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Feminism and literature -- History -- 20th century.English fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Charles Dickens and the Image of Women PressHTML9780800000000Dickens, Charles, 18124870—Characters—WomenWomen and literature—Great Britain—History—19th centuryCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Middlebrow Matters: Women's reading and the literary canon in France since the Belle Époque University PressPDF, HTML978-1-786-94952-3French fiction -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Women and literature -- France -- History -- 20th century.French fiction -- Women authors.
Women in Wartime: Dress Studies from Picture Post 1938–194510.5040/9781350000957HowellGeraldine2019Bloomsbury AcademicPDF, HTML978-1-3500-0093-3World War, 1939-1945 -- WomenClothing and dress--Great BritainGreat Britain -- Social life and customs -- Pictorial works -- Sources -- PeriodicalsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Born of the Same Roots: Stories of Modern Chinese Women Ling1981Indiana University PressHTML0-253-19526-8Chinese fiction -- 20th century -- Translations into English.Women -- China -- Fiction.Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 License.
The Cinema of Mia Hansen-Love: Candour and Vulnerability University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Hansen-Love, MiaWomen motion picture producers and directors
Urban Black Women and the Politics of Resistance MacmillanEPUB, PDF978-1-137-04538-6African American women -- Political activity -- New Jersey -- Newark -- History.Newark (N.J.) -- Race relations.African American women political activists -- New Jersey -- Newark -- History.All rights reserved
Take Her, She's Yours10.21983/P3.0290.1.00JagoeEva-Lynn2020punctum booksPDF978-1-950192-82-3Jagoe, Eva-Lynn Alicia, -- 1968Feminists--BiographyCreative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license,
Reaching for Health: The Australian Women's Health Movement and Public Policy Gray2012Australian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Women's health services -- Australia -- History.Sex discrimination against women -- Australia -- History.Birth control -- Australia -- History.All rights reserved
Sisterhood Denied: Race, Gender, and Class in a New South Community E.1985Temple University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781400000000Women textile workers -- North Carolina -- Durham Region -- History.Women textile workers -- North Carolina -- Durham Region -- History.Durham Region (N.C.) -- Social conditions.Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Medieval Women, Material Culture, and Power: Matilda Plantagenet and her Sisters10.17302/GP-9781641891462JasperseJitske2020Arc Humanities PressPDF9781600000000Matilda, -- Duchess, consort of Henry, Duke of Saxony, -- 1156-1189Women -- Europe -- Social conditionsMaterial culture -- Europe -- History -- To 1500.Creative Commons – Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Jean Primrose Whyte: A Professional Biography University PressEPUB9781000000000Whyte, Jean P. -- (Jean Primrose)Librarians -- Australia -- Biography.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Noblewomen, Aristocracy and Power in the Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Realm M.2018Manchester University PressPDF9781500000000Women -- Great Britain -- History -- Middle Ages, 500-1500.Aristocracy (Social class) -- England -- History -- To 1500.Power (Social sciences) -- England -- To 1500.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Still Thriving: On the Importance of Aranye Fradenburg10.21983/P3.0099.1.00JoyEileen A.2015punctum booksPDF978-0-9882340-3-1Fradenburg, L. O. Aranye ; 1953-Psychoanalysis and literatureCreative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license,
Midwifery and Medicine in Boston : Walter Channing, M.D., 1786-1876 M.2019Northeastern University PressEPUB, PDF9781600000000Channing, Walter, -- 1786-1876Midwifery -- Massachusetts -- History.Obstetrics -- Massachusetts -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Forging the Ideal Educated Girl: The Production of Desirable Subjects in Muslim South Asia of California PressPDF9780500000000Muslim women -- Education -- South AsiaWomen -- South Asia -- Social conditionsCreative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Postponements: Woman, Sensuality and Death in Nietzsche Farrell1986Indiana University PressHTML9780300000000Nietzsche, Friedrich, -- 1844-1900.Women -- History -- 19th centuryCreative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Sex Rewarded, Sex Punished: A Study of the Status 'Female Slave' in Early Jewish Law Studies PressPDF9781600000000Women slaves (Jewish law)Women in the Bible Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Rewriting Womanhood: Feminism, Subjectivity, and the Angel of the House in the Latin American Novel, 1887–1903pstsc_0242565122LaGrecaNancy2009Penn State University PressPDF978-0-271-03438-6Spanish American literature -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Feminism and literature -- Latin America.
A Table for One: A Critical Reading of Singlehood, Gender and Time University PressPDF9781500000000Single women -- Social conditions.Time -- Social aspects.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English Novel University PressPDF9781500000000Women and literature -- Great Britain -- History.Sex role in literature.Sex role in literature. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and Narrative Voice Sniader2018Cornell University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne, -- 1713-1792.Charrière, Isabelle de, -- 1740-1805.Austen, Jane, -- 1775-1817.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender10.18574/nyu/9780814752685.001.0001LeavyBarbara Fass1995NYU PressHTML9780800000000Women--FolkloreMan-woman relationships—Folklore.Swan maiden (Tale)—History and criticismCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington: Irish Feminist H.Natterstad1986Syracuse University PressEPUB978-1-6844-5019-0Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna, -- (1877-1946)Feminism -- IrelandCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Gender Line: Men, Women, and the Law10.18574/nyu/9780814752715.001.0001LevitNancy1998NYU PressHTML9780800000000Women—Legal status, laws, etc.—United StatesMen—Legal status, laws, etc.—United StatesSex discrimination in justice administration—Law and legislation—United StatesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Lesbian Mothers: Accounts of Gender in American Culture University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Lesbian mothers--United StatesSingle mothers--United StateCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women's Public Culture, 1930-196010.33682/nyu/9780814765241.001.0001LimShirley Jennifer2005NYU PressHTML978-0-8147-5193-0Asian American women -- Social life and customs -- 20th century.Asian Americans -- Cultural assimilation -- History -- 20th century.Asian Americans -- Cultural assimilation -- History -- 20th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Essays on Paula Rego: Smile When You Think about Hell10.11647/OBP.0178lisboaMaria Manuel2019Open Book PublishersPDF, HTML978-1-78374-758-0Rego, Paula, -- (1935- ...)Feminist theoryCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license
Gender and Media in the Broadcast Age: Women’s Radio Programming at the BBC, CBC, and ABC10.5040/9781501318801LloydJustine2020Bloomsbury AcademicPDF, HTML978-1-5013-1879-5Women in radio broadcasting -- AustraliaWomen in radio broadcasting -- CanadaWomen in radio broadcasting -- Great BritainCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Edith Piaf: A Cultural History University PressPDF, HTML978-1-781-38425-1Piaf, Edith, -- 1915-1963
Burning the Veil: The Algerian War and the ‘Emancipation’ of Muslim Women, 1954–62 University PressPDF9781500000000Muslim women -- AlgeriaAlgeria -- History -- Revolution, 1954-1962 -- WomenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Battle for the Ballot: Essays on Woman Suffrage in Utah, 1870- 1896 Cornwall1997Utah State University PressPDF874212227Women -- Suffrage -- Utah -- History.
Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, the Woman Question, and the Victorian Novel State University PressPDF9780800000000Tolstoj, Lev Nikolaevič, -- 1828-1910. -- Anna Karenina.Women in literature.Feminism and literature.
The Perfect Mango10.21983/P3.0245.1.00.ManningErin2019punctum booksPDF978-1-950192-14-4Manning, ErinSex crimesCreative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license,
Art & Anger: Reading Like a Woman State University PressPDF0-8142-0453-8Feminist literary criticism.English literature -- History and criticism -- Theory, etc.Woolf, Virginia, -- 1882-1941 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Postfeminist Whiteness: Problematising Melancholic Burden in Contemporary Hollywood University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Women, White, in motion picturesFeminism and motion picturesMelancholy in motion picturesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
A Bridge Between: Spanish Benedictine Missionary Women in Australia National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781800000000Missionary Benedictine Sisters -- Australia -- Western Australia -- History.Benedictines -- Missions -- Australia -- Western Australia -- History.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Looking Back: Canadian Women's Prairie Memoirs and Intersections of Culture, History, and Identity Leigh2010University of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-509-8Women pioneers -- Prairie Provinces -- Biography.Women pioneers -- Prairie Provinces -- Social conditions.Women pioneers in literature.
The Woman at the Keyhole: Feminism and Women's Cinema University PressHTML9780600000000Women in motion picturesFeminism and motion pictures.Feminist filmsCreative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Figurations of the Feminine in the Early French Women’s Press, 1758–1848 University PressPDF, HTML978-1-786-94993-6Feminism -- France -- HistoryPublishers and publishing -- France -- HistoryFrance -- Intellectual life
Performing Grief: Bridal Laments in Rural China E.2008University of Hawai'i PressPDF9780800000000Brides -- China -- Social conditionsMarriage customs and rites -- ChinaWomen -- China -- Social conditionsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Christina McPhee: A Commonplace Book10.21983/P3.0186.1.00McPheeChristinaEileenJoy2017punctum booksPDF978-1-947447-08-0McPhee, ChristinaCreative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license
Ana Kokkinos: An Oeuvre of Outsiders University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Kokkinos, Ana -- Criticism and interpretation
Reading the Irish Woman: Studies in Cultural Encounters and Exchange, 1714–1960'DowdWhelanBernadette2013Liverpool University PressPDF, HTML978-1-781-38819-8Women -- Ireland -- History.Women -- Intellectual lifePopular culture
Golda Meir: A Political Biography Gruyter OldenbourgEPUB, PDF9783100000000Meir, Golda, -- 1898-1978.Israel -- Politics and government.
Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf and Worldly Realism University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Austen, Jane, -- 1775-1817 -- Criticism and interpretation.Woolf, Virginia, -- 1882-1941 -- Criticism and interpretation.Realism in literature.
Before the Manifesto: The Life Writings of Mary Lois Walker Morris Lois walkerMelissa lambertMilewski2007Utah State University PressPDF978-0-87421-547-2Morris, Mary Lois Walker, -- 1835-1919.Salt Lake City (Utah) -- Church history.Mormon women -- Utah -- Salt Lake City -- Biography.
Why Girls Fight: Female Youth Violence in the Inner City10.33682/nyu/9780814759073.001.0001NessCindy D.2010NYU PressHTML978–0–8147–5840–3Female juvenile delinquents -- United StatesTeenage girls -- PsychologyInner cities--United StatesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Devon Women in Public and Professional Life, 1900–1950: Votes, Voices and Vocations of Exeter PressPDF978-1-905816-79-8Women -- England -- Devon -- History -- 20th centuryWomen -- England -- Devon -- Social conditions -- 20th century.Women -- England -- Devon -- Economic conditions -- 20th century.Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International licence
Dismantling Rape Culture: The Peacebuilding Power of ‘Me Too', HTML9781000000000FeminismRape -- Prevention.Sexual harassment of women.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 License
A Critical Woman: Barbara Wootton, Social Science and Public Policy in the Twentieth Century10.5040/9781849664769OakleyAnn2011Bloomsbury AcademicPDF, HTML978-1-8496-6469-1Wootton, Barbara, -- 1897-1988Women intellectualsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Pursuing Truth: How Gender Shaped Catholic Education at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland J.2021Cornell University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Catholic women -- Education (Higher) -- Maryland -- Baltimore -- History -- 20th century.College of Notre Dame of Maryland -- History -- 20th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Genius Envy: Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-190010.26530/oapen_625764PaliyenkoAdrianna2017Penn State University PressPDF9780300000000French poetry -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Women poets, French -- History -- 19th century.
Domesticity and Dirt: Housewives and Domestic Servants in the United States, 1920-1945 University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781400000000Household employees -- United States -- History -- 20th century.Home economics -- United States -- History -- 20th century.Housewives -- United States -- History -- 20th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Genre, Authorship and Contemporary Women Filmmakers University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Women motion picture producers and directorsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
Women and Public Life in Early Meiji Japan: The Development of the Feminist Movement10.3998/mpub.9340032PatessioMara2011University of Michigan PressHTML978-0-472-90160-9Women -- Japan -- HistoryFeminism -- Japan -- HistoryCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Culture-bearing Women: The Black Women Renaissance and Cultural Nationalism Gruyter Open PolandPDF, EPUB9788400000000African American women authors -- 20th centuryWomen authors, Black -- 20th centuryWomen authors, Caribbean -- 20th century.
Womanpriest: Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church University PressPDF9780800000000Ordination of women -- Catholic ChurchWomen priestsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Maria Petyt – A Carmelite Mystic in Wartime, Maria, -- 1623-1677Carmelites -- Spiritual lifeCarmelites -- Netherlands -- BiographyCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Female Imperialism and National Identity: The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire University PressPDF9781500000000Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire -- HistoryWomen -- Canada -- HistoryCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Margery Spring Rice: Pioneer of Women’s Health in the Early Twentieth Century10.11647/OBP.0215PollardLucy2020Open Book PublishersPDF, HTML9781800000000Spring Rice, Margery -- 1887-1970Women-- Great Britain -- Social conditionsWomen social reformers -- BiographyCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license
Gender, Reading, and Truth in the Twelfth Century: The Woman in the Mirror10.17302/MMC-9781641893770PowellMorgan2020Arc Humanities PressPDF9781600000000Literature, Medieval -- History and criticismWomen and literature -- History -- To 1500Women -- Books and reading -- Europe -- HistoryCreative Commons – Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State? Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women M.2018Manchester University PressPDF9781500000000Women -- Government policy.Women -- Political activity.Women -- Social conditions.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Kathleen Collins: The Black Essai Film University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Collins, Kathleen, -- 1942-1988 -- Criticism and interpretationAfrican Americans in motion picturesWomen in motion pictures
Veiled Threats: Representing the Muslim Woman in Public Policy Discourses PressPDF978-1447325178Muslim women -- Great Britain.Muslims--Great BritainTerror -- Political aspects.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Wives and Wanderers in a New Guinea Highlands Society: Women’s lives in the Wahgi Valley OliveFrancescaMerlan2014Australian National University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781900000000Women--Papua New Guinea
Heaven's Interpreters: Women Writers and Religious Agency in Nineteenth-Century America University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000American fiction -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Religion and literature -- United States -- History -- 19th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Emancipation's Daughters: Reimagining Black Femininity and the National Body University PressPDF9781480000000African American women -- Political activity -- HistoryLeadership in women -- United States.African American leadership.Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Still Life: Notes on Barbara Loden's "Wanda" (1970)10.53288/0326.1.00RogersAnna Backman2021punctum booksPDF978-1-953035-69-1Loden, Barbara, -- 1932-1980. -- Wanda (1970)Women in motion pictures -- Criticism and interpretation.Wanda (Motion picture).Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license,
Don't Be Quiet, Start a Riot! Essays on Feminism and Performance University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-91-7635-020-1FeminismPerforming artsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
Dilemmas of Adulthood: Japanese Women and the Nuances of Long-Term Resistance of Hawai'i PressEPUB, PDF9780820000000Self-perception in women -- Japan -- Longitudinal studies.
Breaking into the Lab: Engineering Progress for Women in Science10.33682/nyu/9780814771525.001.0001RosserSue V.2012NYU PressHTML978–0–8147–7152–5Women scientists -- United StatesWomen engineers--United StatesSex discrimination in science -- United StatesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Molecular Feminisms: Biology, Becomings, and Life in the Lab of Washington PressPDF9780300000000Feminism and scienceFeminist theoryWomen in scienceCreative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The Cinema of Marguerite Duras: Multisensoriality and Female Subjectivity University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Duras, Marguerite, -- 1914-1996Motion pictures--Technical aspectsWomen in motion picturesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
Women’s Medicine: Sex, Family Planning and British Female Doctors in Transnational Perspective, 1920–70 University PressPDF9781500000000Women's health services -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.Family planning -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.Women in medicine -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Alone in a Crowd: Women in the Trades Tell Their Stories Reith1985Temple University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF9781400000000Sex discrimination against womenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 United States License
Girls of Liberty: The Struggle for Suffrage in Mandatory Palestine University PressPDF9781610000000Jewish women -- Suffrage -- Palestine -- History -- 1917-1948.Jewish women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Palestine -- History -- 1917-1948.Jewish women -- Political activity -- Palestine -- History -- 1917-1948.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License
Stories that Make History: The Experience and Memories of the Japanese Military "Comfort Girls-Women" Research Team of the War and Women’s Human Rights Center2020De Gruyter OldenbourgEPUB, PDF9783100000000Comfort women -- Korea -- History -- AnecdotesWorld War, 1939-1945 -- Women -- Korea.
Women in the Ancient Near East GruyterEPUB, PDF9781600000000Women -- Iraq -- Babylonia.Iraq -- History -- To 634.
The Eloquence of Mary Astell M.2006University of Calgary PressPDF978-1-55238-459-6Astell, Mary, -- 1668-1731Rhetoric--HistoryFeminism
Indigenous Women’s Writing and the Cultural Study of Law of Toronto PressPDF978-1-4426-5067-1American literature -- Indian authors -- History and criticism.American literature -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Indian women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Chivalry, Reading, and Women's Culture in Early Modern Spain: From Amadís de Gaula to Don Quixote University PressPDF9789000000000Spanish literature -- History and criticismWomen in literature.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Olga Tufnell’s 'Perfect Journey': Letters and Photographs of an Archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean D. M.GreenHenryRos2021UCL PressPDF9781800000000Tufnell, Olga, -- 1905-1985Archaeology -- Middle East.Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Non-derivative 4.0 International licence
Invoking Flora Nwapa: Nigerian Women Writers, Femininity and Spirituality in World Literature University PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-91-7635-120-8Nwapa, Flora, -- 1931-1993Nigerian literature--Women authorsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
Negotiating Dissidence: The Pioneering Women of Arab Documentary de PeerStefanie2017Edinburgh University PressEPUB, PDF9780000000000Women motion picture producers and directorsDocumentary films -- Middle East -- History and criticism.Documentary films -- Africa, North -- History and criticism.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
Barren Women: Religion and Medicine in the Medieval Middle East GruyterPDF, EPUB9783100000000Infertility, Female -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- History -- To 1500.Infertility, Female -- Middle East -- History -- To 1500.Medicine -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- History -- To 1500.
A New Dawn for the Second Sex Women's: Freedom Practices in World Perspective University PressPDF9789000000000Feminism -- Cross-cultural studiesWomen -- Social conditionsBeauvoir, Simone de, -- 1908-1986. -- Deuxième sexeCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Men’s Activism to End Violence Against Women: Voices from Spain, Sweden and the UK University PressPDF978-1447357971Women -- Violence against -- PreventionMale feministsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence
A Widow's Tale: 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney Mar KimballCharles M.HatchComptonTodd M.2003Utah State University PressPDF0-87421-485-8Whitney, Helen Mar, -- 1828-1896 -- Diaries.Mormon women -- Diaries.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- History -- 19th century.
Celine Sciamma: Portraits University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Sciamma, Celine, -- 1980-Feminist theoryLesbianism in motion picturesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
The Pitfalls of Protection: Gender, Violence, and Power in Afghanistan of California PressEPUB, MOBI, PDF978-0-520-96639-0Women -- Afghanistan -- Social conditions -- 21st century.Women's rights -- Afghanistan -- 21st century.Women -- Violence against -- Afghanistan -- 21st century.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0
Women's Literary Networks and Romanticism: "A Tribe of Authoresses" O.AngelaRehbein2017Liverpool University PressPDF, HTML978-1-786-94832-8Women authors, English -- Social networks -- Great Britain -- History -- 18th century.Women and literature -- Great Britain -- History -- 18th century.English literature -- Women authors -- History and criticism.
Race and the Modern Exotic: Three 'Australian' Women on Global Display University PressEPUB9781900000000Kellermann, Annette, -- 1886-1975Guang, RusiOberon, Merle, -- 1911-1979.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Women and Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England: Bodies, Identities, and Power, HTML9780430000000Women -- England -- Social conditions -- 18th century.Courtesy -- England -- History -- 18th century.England -- Social life and customs -- 18th century.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
Bread, Cement, Cactus: A Memoir of Belonging and Dislocation University PressPDF9781100000000Zaidi, AnnieWomen authors, Indic -- 20th century -- Biography.Cambridge Core Terms of Use
Women's Work and Chicano Families: Cannery Workers of the Santa Clara Valley University PressEPUB, PDF9781500000000Women cannery workers—California—Santa Clara Valley—Family relationships.Mexican American women—Employment—CaliforniaWorking mothers—California—Santa Clara Valley.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
"Wicked" Women and the Reconfiguration of Gender in Africa L.Sheryl A.McCurdy2001American Council of Learned SocietiesEPUB, MOBI9781600000000Sex role -- AfricaWomen -- Social conditions -- AfricaCreative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Medieval Women and Their Objects10.3998/mpub.9222733AdamsJennyNancy BradfordBradbury2016University of Michigan PressHTML978-0-472-90256-9Literature, Medieval -- Women authors -- History and criticism.Women -- England -- History -- Middle Ages, 500-1500.Women -- France -- History -- Middle Ages, 500-1500.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Liminal Spaces: Migration and Women of the Guyanese Diaspora10.11647/OBP.0218AliGrace Aneiza2020Open Book PublishersPDF, HTML978-1-78374-989-8Immigrants -- Guyana -- History.Women -- Guyana -- Biography.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license
Octavia Hill, Social Activism and the Remaking of British Society10.14296/917.9781909646582BaigentElizabethBenCowell2016University of London PressPDF978-1-909646-58-2Hill, Octavia, -- 1838-1912.Social reform--Great BritainCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Standpoints: Black Feminist Knowledges N.Ashley V.ReichelmannHarrisonAnthony Kwame2019Virginia Tech PublishingEPUB, PDF, HTML978-1-949373-17-2African American women -- Social conditions -- History.Feminist theoryFeminism -- United States -- History.Creative Commons Attribution + NoDerivatives 4.0 license.
Women Succeeding in the Sciences: Theories and Practices Across Disciplines University PressPDF9781600000000Women in science.Women -- EducationScience -- Study and teaching
Our Monica, Ourselves: The Clinton Affair and the National Interest10.33682/nyu/9780814739280.001.0001BerlantLaurenLisa A.Duggan2001NYU PressHTML9780800000000Clinton, Bill, -- 1946- -- ImpeachmentLewinsky, Monica S. -- (Monica Samille), -- 1973-Sex -- Social aspects -- United StatesCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks University PressPDF9780820000000Women motion picture producers and directors -- United States.Experimental films -- United States -- History and criticism.Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
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Updated March 2022


by Megan Smith, OTH 

In honor of women’s month, OTH celebrates Black women artists from the U.S. and Africa for their creative genius and activism projects. Black women are underrepresented, undervalued, and underappreciated in the music and art world despite how valiant their efforts are in fostering change and uplifting humanity. From female empowerment, climate change activism, and children’s rights, to fighting poverty, girls’ education, and anti-racism efforts, these women use their art as a force to be reckoned with. Now, take a moment to appreciate the vibrant colors, unique sounds, joyful dances, and brilliant artistry of these Black women leaders and let your soul be touched by their powerful messages.

Women’s Day Playlist – Via Music in Africa

The cultural contributions of female African musicians cannot be overstressed. Although underrepresented and often marginalized, they are behind some of the most glorious artistic moments across the continent and on the world stage – from crafting enduring records resulting in continual Grammy success, among other high-profile global honours, to serving as beacons of leadership and advocates of pertinent causes.” 


16 Black Women Artist-Activists From the Past & Present That We Must Celebrate – Via The Culture


Nina Simone (1965)

And despite the fact that in the telling and retelling of the stories of our movements for justice and equality, men figure prominently as protagonists, there have been numerous Black women artists who have hoisted the mantle of leadership onto their shoulders and spoken, sung, written and painted us free.”  


Women Whose Music Helped Shape The African Music – Via Sounds of Africa


Angelique Kidjo

Over the years, African music (afrobeats) has made great strides in both sound and recognition; this evolution is often attributed to the greats like Fela. ET Mensah and 2face and more. While they deserve the recognition, there isn’t enough celebration of the female pioneers who have contributed to it; this attitude of levity has trickled down into the industry today, shaping it into one that men largely dominate and has very little regards for women.”  


by Linda English, PhD

In December 2016, the co-program directors of the Gender and Women’s Studies Program (GWSP) at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley received the good news that their application for a National Endowment to Humanities Initiative Grant to revitalize the GWSP at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley was approved. The following is an overview of the implementation of the NEH grant, a 20-month project entitled “Revitalizing UTRGV’s Gender and Women’s Studies Program” beginning in the spring of 2017 through its conclusion in August 2018. It highlights the insights, experience, and recommendations of external consultants who participated in the grant; specialists who oversee successful gender, sexuality, and women’s studies programs across the country . The distinguished specialists who visited campus over the course of the grant generated both interest in gender-related topics among our students as well as excitement for the field of study among our affiliated faculty.

In the fall of 2015, a new university opened its doors to students in deep-south Texas: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. UTRGV brought together the resources and assets of two legacy institutions: the University of Texas, Brownsville (UTB) and the University of Texas, Pan American (UTPA). At the time of the merger, the Gender and Women’s Studies Program faced the challenges associated with the creation of a new university: faculty reorientation and adjustment as well as the reworking of the program’s infrastructure. The project was undertaken by a group of ten faculty members from UTRGV’s College of Liberal Arts dedicated to developing a flourishing program focused on gender studies. Affiliated with GWSP, they researched and taught in the fields of history and philosophy as well as literature, languages, and cultural studies. The plan was to incorporate best practices from successful programs at other universities as well expand UTRGV’s course offerings into areas of emerging scholarship. We wanted to analyze how we could improve our curriculum to (re)build a consistent, high-quality program. Strengthening the GWSP in this way provided new opportunities for faculty to expand their scholarly horizons and to study together to become well-versed and effective teachers. Ultimately, we believed that we could not achieve such goals without external input and support.

To do so, the project was divided into two major phases. The first phase focused on assessing and improving the overall organization and structure of the GWSP. The second phase was dedicated to creating new opportunities for UTRGV’s faculty to deepen their knowledge in the fields of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies and thus become more-informed teachers. The first phase was comprised of four workshops dedicated to assessing the GWSP—its shortcomings and its potential. During the first internal workshop in February 2017, the project directors and the affiliated faculty met to:

  • discuss faculty’s experience in teaching and researching in the field of gender, women’s and sexuality studies;
  • assess the current status of the GWSP (enrollment at this point was six students, enrollment history, degree plans and courses etc.);
  • and exchange ideas and opinions about future directions of the GWSP (its mission, its focus, and its goal).

The subsequent months of March, April, and May 2017 featured workshops with invited, external consultants who had in-depth knowledge of establishing, running, and enhancing gender-focused programs. Each workshop consisted of a 30-45 minute-long presentation (plus Q&A session) by the invited consultant about their work and program; followed by a 2 hour-long work and discussion session that focused on how UTRGV’s GWSP could be revised and enhanced.

After the internal workshop with affiliated faculty, the external consultants began their campus visits. The first external consultant was Dr. Jennifer Lynn from Montana State University, Billings who led a workshop titled “From Women to Gender? Pitfalls and Opportunities.” Dr. Lynn detailed the evolution of the Women and Gender Studies program at Montana State. She also stressed the importance of a dedicated space on campus for program visibility and her program’s successful efforts at community outreach (in particular, a brown bag session opened to both students and community members). The second external consultant to visit UTRGV was Dr. Guillermo De Los Reyes from the University of Houston whose workshop was titled “Integrating Sexualities into a Gender and Women’s Studies Program.” Dr. De Los Reyes provided an overview of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at the University of Houston. He traced the development of the program from a minor to a major and the success of the in their introductory course in the core (over twelve classes per semester, four sections of LBGTQ core class). He also discussed community outreach and fundraising, particularly the Friends of the Women’s Studies Program which raises funds for research and travel grants. The last external consultant for first phase of the grant was Dr. Lorraine Bayard de Volo from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Bayard de Volo discussed some of the early obstacles of the program and its evolution from a minor to a major. She also discussed certificate options for UC-Boulder students, including an LBGTQ Certificate and Global Gender & Sexuality Certificate. Her discussion included the challenges of offering a global gender perspective.

After the spring campus visits, the program directors led two summer retreats for participating affiliated faculty. Both retreats focused on examining and integrating the suggestions provided by the three external consultants. The two retreats were titled: “Evaluating External Input and Defining Future Steps” and “Implementing External Input and Internal Evaluation.” Participants from the spring workshops were invited to contribute. At the first retreat, we focused on our outward “face” to students. This entailed articulating our mission, developing rationale as to why to study gender (through a minor or certificate), and creating a glossary of terms for our website. The second retreat involved planning for the fall semester, including developing syllabus for an introductory course on Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies.

The second phase of the initiative was dedicated to creating new learning opportunities for the faculty associated with the GWSP by inviting six gender content specialists to campus. The first of our six invited content specialists arrived in September 2017 to conduct a pedagogical workshop for our affiliated faculty in the morning and provide a public lecture for the UTRGV community in the evening. The audience was twofold: the GWSP affiliated faculty and UTRGV faculty, students, and the public at large. The public lecture served to generate general interest in gender topics and our program, more specifically. Our first invited content specialist was Dr. Nicholas Syrett from the University of Kansas. We had planned on three specialists for the fall and three for the spring, but due to a scheduling conflict, moved the lecture schedule to two in the fall and four in the spring. Our second content specialist, Dr. Michelle King, from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, came to campus in early December and offered a global-focused workshop and public lecture titled, “The Julia Child of Chinese Cooking, or the Fu Pei-mei of French Food? Comparative Contexts of Female Culinary Celebrity.”

Beginning in January 2018, the GWSP invited four content specialists to campus to, once again, lead a morning workshop for affiliated faculty (focused on strategies for incorporating gender into our teaching) and provide a public lecture that evening to the UTRGV community. The four specialists were Dr. Nancy Hirschmann (University of Pennsylvania), Dr. Crystal Feimster (Yale University), Dr. Robert Irwin (University of California, Davis), and Dr. Emma Pérez (University of Arizona). With four campus visits during the spring semester, our affiliated faculty were especially busy, but the experience proved extremely rewarding; the content specialists provided the faculty with valuable insights on “teaching gender” and the public lectures galvanized interest in our program and gender topics, more broadly. For example, Dr. Feimster focused much of the workshop on demonstrating some of the innovative class projects that she assigns to her students that encourage both creativity and analytical thought. These assignments included having her students create “zines,” initially the assignment focused on Pauli Murray; as well, she has her students develop a children’s book (she brought examples from her classes). Affiliated faculty created their own “zines” in the workshop. Dr. Pérez introduced an exercise to the workshop participants where they wrote 1st person accounts on: “I used to be ______ and now I am _________.” Dr. Perez’s public lecture was the largest of all, with over two hundred students and faculty in attendance. In the summer 2018, we organized a three-day retreat for affiliated faculty that enabled faculty to perform teaching demonstrations, incorporating some of the strategies they gleaned from the 2017-2018 pedagogical workshops.

The grant concluded after the 2018 summer retreats. The monies provided by the NEH allowed the GWSP to increase its exposure to the UTRGV community; consequently, we have seen the program grow in popularity. We developed an introductory course for the GWSP, “Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies,” offered at least once a year, which generates student interest in the GWSP minor and certificates. Indicative of faculty interest in gender-related fields, the affiliated faculty has grown from the original ten to a robust 35 affiliates.

About the Author

Dr. Linda English is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.  She teaches courses on Texas History, the American West, Modern American Women’s History, and Gender in the American West.